Chapter Twenty-Four.

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"Cameron, please -- I'm fine to go to work today!" I exclaimed for the millionth time this morning. It has been over a week since the incident at my apartment, and Cameron was true to his word and kept me attached to his hip like a leech. I was growing bored and stir crazy being in his apartment all day every day. Well our apartment I should now say, but it would take some getting used to. All of my personal belongings were moved in, and my furniture was stored a couple blocks away -- Cameron and Bradley did an amazing job of settling me in.

"Sweetheart, please don't argue with me on this" Cameron said as he sipped his coffee. I groaned and swung his chair around so I could straddle his waist. He raised an eyebrow before sliding his hands up my exposed thighs.

"Maxwell is dead, nothing more can happen to me" I whispered and ran my lips down his jaw. He grunted lowly and tightened his grip around my legs. "Don't try and distract me" he mumbled in my ear before placing those soft lips against my neck.

"Why, will it work?" I moaned as his lips continued their pattern down my neck, and biting down along my collarbone. I ran my fingers through his curly dark hair, pulling him ever so close to my body.

"Maybe" he groaned and crashed his lips onto mine.

His grip was tight as he navigated upwards, from my thighs to my hips. I had dressed in a short black work dress, in the hopes that Cameron allowed me to go to work this morning. And Cameron currently had it pushed all the way around my waist. He picked me up from his lap before setting me gently onto his large black dining room table.

His lips left mine before once again making a trail down my neck, making a soft moan rumble through my chest. "Lay back, Baby" he uttered softly, before gently pushing me back onto the table. The table was cold, especially against my exposed skin -- but the warmth that suddenly overtook me, surely overcompensated for the temperature.

"Oh God" I moaned as Cameron's mouth encased me. It was warm, and was sending flashes of heat throughout my entire body. His tongue was meticulous in his actions, working slowly up and down the most sensitive part of my sex. It was always an incredible feeling with Cameron, and he always had the technique that kept me on my toes. Especially when he reached around my waist and flipped me around.

His fingers gently ran themselves through my hair, and kept my face from bashing into the wood. I loved that Cameron no longer felt the need to be gentle with me, his rough side was something that appeared more frequently, and something that I most definitely approved of when the time arose.

"Spread your legs" Cameron whispered into my ear, causing an unnoticeable blush to flash across my cheeks. I did as he asked, and let Cameron step between my damp thighs -- his hand running slowly along my core. I was unraveling at the gentle and feather light touches of his fingers, enough so that my legs were already trembling.

I heard him undoing his belt, before his pants hit the ground with a soft thud. He stepped closer to me, and I soon felt the tip of him running along my sex. "Oh Cameron, please. Please don't tease me" I whimpered, earning a low chuckle from him.

"As you command" He grunted, and i squealed as his pounded his way inside of me. It was hard, and fast and it felt fucking incredible. I tried hard to grip the table with my fingertips, but the polish had me doing nothing but slide around. Cameron took notice and grabbed my wrists, pinning them behind my back. I rested my face against the cool wood and enjoyed the pleasure that Cameron was presenting me.

"Oh fuck" Cameron groaned as he dug one hand into my hip, the other holding my hands together behind my back. "Baby, I'm gonna cum" he told me, and quickened his pace.

"Cum for me Cameron" I moaned, my eyes closed as I did nothing but enjoy the feeling of him inside of me.

He moaned loudly, and I felt him spill himself inside of me. I was close, I was so close I could taste it, but right at the cusp Cameron pulled out of me and flipped me over. He wrapped his arm around my neck, and one around my waist as he slid inside of me once more. My face was buried into his neck, and I could no nothing but salivate against him. He pumped into me slowly and kept me close.

He knew he was hitting the spot, that spot that drove me wild. He kissed my temple before pulling my head away from the crook in his neck -- and resting his forehead against mine. The pleasure he was creating was making it hard to keep my eyes open, but I did my best to keep my eyes on his. His hooded eyes that were looking at me with nothing but lust. The man had already finished inside of me, and he looked upon the precipice of another go around.

"Don't stop, I'm so close" I whispered, weaving my fingers through his hair and pulling him closer. He nodded and closed his eyes, keeping his rhythmic actions going, leaving me on the brink of insanity. It wasn't much longer before my eyes rolled into the back of my head, and a mind numbing orgasm rippled through my body. I was sweating profusely, all signs of this mornings shower gone out the window.

"Fuck, you're amazing" he panted, his forehead just as slick as mine. I could do nothing but nod, all coherent words having left my brain in this moment.

Cameron sat inside of me for several minutes, both of us trying hard to catch our breath. My dress was wrinkled and ripped along the sides thanks to Cameron's rough nature, but I couldn't care less. Everything I just felt with him overcompensated for my ruined clothing, it wasn't like he couldn't buy me a hundred of the same thing anyway. Cameron noticed and a smirk formed along his face.

"You're gonna be late for work" I huffed out as Cameron pulled away and himself out of me -- leaving me disappointed. I could go all day with him, the man was insatiable when it came to sex -- one of the many things I loved about him.

"We're gonna be late for work" he said, making sure to emphasize the "We".

"You're actually going to let me go today?" I asked with excitement at the thought of finally being in the office again. I didn't want to let what happen with Maxwell interfere with my life, I wasn't going to be like a piece of broken glass that needed to be glued back together, I wanted to a strong as wood -- like the table we were currently leaning against.

"I can't keep you locked away in here forever, and I'll be right across from you all day if you need me" he said before kissing me softly on the forehead. He bent down and began re-adjusting himself back into his work slacks.

"You don't want to wash up before work?" I asked as I grabbed my panties from the corner of the room, and tossed them onto the table seeing as they were soaking wet. Cameron shook his head. "I want to smell like you all day, a healthy reminder of our morning" he told me, sending a sexy wink in my direction. I blushed and tried pulling down my dress, the thing just ended up falling apart -- leaving me completely exposed to him.

"This was my favorite dress" I chuckled as I pulled it the rest of the way off. Cameron smiled before pulling me back into his arms, my naked breasts sticking against his chest. "I'll buy you one in every color" He said rubbing the tip of his nose against mine.

"But I prefer you like this" he said motioning down at my naked exterior. I laughed and shook my head. "Of course you do, but this might cause quite the stir in the office" I disputed, wrapping my arms around his neck, my fingers playing with the bottoms of his hair.

"You're right, I don't want anyone else seeing that delicious body but me" Cameron said, before bending down and taking the tip of my nipple between his lips. I moaned and leaned back against the table. "Let's be even later" Cameron grunted before lifting me up once more.

Cameron and I didn't make it into the office until well past noon....

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