Chapter Eight.

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I got home from the event twenty minutes after my chat with Cameron. He said if my stepfather was as awful as I said, then he didn't want me to be around him. That's part of the reason I loved him so much, he was always thinking of others. He was understanding and kind, and just everything I had always wanted in a man, but never found until Cameron hired me. Even when I applied for the job it was as if Cameron could feel how much I needed him, and hired me on the spot.

Talia was curled up on my couch asleep by the time I got home. I smiled and covered her with a plush blanket before taking off my heels and heading down the hall to my own bedroom. I quickly stripped out of the silky green dress and draped it over my desk chair. My black heels I tossed into the open closet and I slipped on my oversized Jet's T-shirt before crawling into my bed. My bed was a dangerous place, in the regards that I never wanted to get out of it. I swear if I could I would spend every minutes of every day here, it was just that comfortable.

The event was halfway over by the time I left, and I wondered what Cameron ended up saying to Maxwell to refuse his deal. It wasn't as if James Enterprises even needed to do business with the Prestons. But Cameron being the overachiever that he was, felt he wanted to own everyone in the city.

I cuddled farther into the bed and wrapped my down comforter around my body, and it wasn't long before I fell asleep...

The sound of something buzzing woke me up only hours later. I groaned and opened my eyes trying to find the source, which ended up being my phone vibrating on my end table. My eyes widened when I saw it was Cameron who was calling me, and that is was way past midnight.

"Cameron, is everything ok?" I answered hurriedly, knowing if he was calling this late then something must be wrong. I could hear the sleep evident in my own voice, and ended up just resting the phone against my cheek while my head flopped back onto my pillow.

"You tell me Avery. Are you alright?" Cameron's soft voice answered on the other end. I think this was the first time I have ever spoken to him while I was laying in bed. And his sultry, sexy voice was doing things to my body. I was practically wet hearing him say my name while I was barely dressed under my cold sheets.

"Yes Cameron, I'm fine. Thank you again" I said softly. I heard Cameron sigh on the other end, and it sounded like he was shifting something around, before I heard him cough lightly and speak again.

"Are you busy tomorrow?" He suddenly asked. His voice almost, nervous? It was a tone I had never heard from him  the whole time I have known him. Cameron didn't get nervous, especially at work. He took what he wanted, got things done and never thought twice. I never even saw him nervous with women. He was confident and knew exactly what to say to them to make them weak at the knees.

"I'm not busy, did you need me at the office for something?" I asked, sitting up slightly in my bed in case he needed me to write something down for work. I always kept pens and paper all around my apartment in case of things like that, Cameron kept me busy that was for sure. "No" was all he said. I was confused as to why he asked me that if he didn't need me at work. But I heard him sigh once more before his sexy voice said something unexpected.

"I want to take you out tomorrow" He said softly, almost in a whisper. My eyes widened at what he was telling me. Why would he want to take me out? Was this business related? I had so many questions running through my head I had forgotten to answer him after a few minutes, and his voice calling my name dragged me out of my thoughts. "Are you there Avery?"

"Yes, sorry. You want to take me out?" I asked, still in disbelief to what he was asking, well more like telling me. Like I said, Cameron got what he wanted, and if he wanted me to go somewhere with him I wouldn't hesitate before saying yes to him.

"That is what I said Avery. Can you go to breakfast?"

I couldn't help the goofy smile that crossed my lips. Surely had Cameron been here to witness this, he would have seen the blood red color my cheeks turned. Me having no control over the blush that crept it's way up my cheeks.  "Yes" was all i managed to squeak out, in fear I would giggle or snort or do something to embarrass myself.

"Excellent, Ill pick you at eight o'clock" He said, his voice much more upbeat than it formerly was. All hints of nerves having gone out the window. Unfortunately for me, nerves would not allow me to sleep tonight, and I probably would be so nervous I would vomit all over my breakfast with Cameron sitting right in front of me.

How can this man do this to me? How can he make me want to jump his bones every chance I see him, when the only intimate encounter in my life was forced. I never knew pleasure, everything related to anything sexual I connected with pain and haunted dreams. But Cameron has this way  about him that makes me feel like he could take that all away from me. For years all I wanted was to find a man who would love me, and treat me with gentleness and respect. I never found him, at least until I met Cameron. I never thought about another man after him, and I fear I never will. And knowing if Cameron would never be that man to love me, I would rather die alone.

"I can meet you somewhere, it's not a problem" I find myself spitting out. I frowned and mentally slapped myself  for arguing with him. Cameron groaned on the other end of the phone and was silent for several minutes.

"No Avery, I don't meet my dates"

And right there I swear my heart nearly exploded out my chest. My boss, the delectable, sexy and confident god of man was taking me on a date. I closed my eyes and covered my mouth to keep from letting out the obnoxious giggle that slipped through my full pink lips. Once I calmed myself down, I was finally able to speak again.

"I thought I was your assistant Cameron, It's my job to take care of you"

Why the hell do I keep arguing with him? What is wrong with me? The man I love wants to take me out and all I keep doing is bombarding him with questions and argumentative statements. I swear I heard Cameron growl on the other end of the phone, and I could almost hear the frown through his voice.

"Avery, quit arguing with me. Tomorrow you are not my assistant, you are not my secretary, you are my date. Do you understand?"

His tone was short and authoritative, like he was closing a business deal with me. He of course always bossed me around at the office, but him telling me what to do outside of work while I am laying in bed was giving me a thrill like no other.  "Yes Cameron. I'll see you in the morning" I mumbled quietly into the phone.

"Good. Go to sleep sweetheart" was all he said before hanging up the phone leaving me in silence.

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