Chapter Four.

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My day dragged on, the awful morning I had proving to set the tone for the rest of my day. I had to sit in meetings with obnoxious investors who were trying to low ball the company. And I hated seeing Cameron get so angry and frustrated throughout the day. Although seeing that vein in his neck pop out in anger, and watching his fists clench at his sides was a major turn on for me. I shook that thought from my head as I packed up my desk at the end of the day.

A knock on my door caused me to look up from packing my bag, to see Bradley standing there with his own bag thrown across his shoulder.

"Ready to be beautified?" Bradley asked with a smirk. Honestly I had forgotten all about his plan to drag me to the salon after work. I had been looking forward to a long hot bath and catching up on my full DVR box.

"Can we do it another day?" i asked stifling a yawn, not realizing how tired I had become.

"Oh no Avery, you can sleep in the salon chair!" Bradley exclaimed walking over and helping me pack up the rest of my things. I grunted a response that earned a laugh out of him, before turning off my computer and the lamp on my desk.

"Just let me tell Cameron I'm leaving" I said before popping my head into Cameron's office. Cameron was staring intently at his computer while typing away furiously. "Do you need anything else of me Cameron?" i asked softly when his stopped typing for a moment.

Cameron looked up and his stoic look brightened when he saw me, and he shook his head. "Everything's perfect Avery, have a good night" He said giving me a smile. His eyes raked down my body before he shook his head and turned towards his computer. I was thankful he couldn't see the blush that snuck it's way up my tanned cheeks. I closed his door gently behind me before turning to see Bradley smirking at me as he leaned against my desk.

"What?" I asked with a raised eyebrow as I grabbed my cell phone that was on the end of my desk and walked out of my office. Bradley was following behind me, and closed my door behind him.

"So how long have you been sleeping with the boss?" Bradley asked me, nudging my arm with his elbow with every step we took. I swear if I was drinking anything or chewing gum, this would be the moment I would be chocking to death.

"What!?" I asked. Looking at him as if he just said the most obscene thing in the world...Well I guess he sort of did, Cameron would never look at me the way he looks at the gorgeous woman he dates. The way he looks down at them as if they are the crowned jewels, and he was cherishing his time with them. No, nobody would ever look at me that way.

"Please, did you see the way he looked at you? I know lust when I see it" He said with a chuckle before the two of us walked into the half full elevator.

"Shut up Bradley, or I swear Ill kill you" I growled at him causing a few of the other people in the elevator to look at us strangely. When i first started working here people looked at me like I was below them, since I was a secretary and weren't a huge part of the company. But when they realized I was actually intelligent about business, and controlled everything to do with their boss. They started to respect me a little bit more. I graduated Summa Cum Laude from Brown University with my bachelors in business, but just like anyone just starting out in the city I needed to work my way from the bottom.

We exited the elevator, and fought the crowd of people trying to get out of the building. Bradley hailed us a cab and gave them the address, one I had never been too obviously. "Are we going to Chelsea?" I asked, noticing the cab was driving to the one area of New York I rarely stepped foot in.

"We sure are, my stylist will work magic on you. It also helps I live next door" Bradley said looking at the scenery passing us by. You could drive the same route every day, see the same buildings. But somehow it felt different every day. New York had this magical feel to it, and as far as I was concerned it was the greatest city in the world. With it's eccentric walks of life and exciting people on every street corner, you couldn't help but get swept away by it's magic.

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