Chapter Two.

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Mondays were awful, and seemed to drag on and on longer than other days in the week. I felt like I was in the office all day, when in reality it was only four hours. Cameron was in a business meeting with some investors from other corporations in the city, so I was reorganizing his daily schedule around that since it was running a bit long. But my office phone started ringing tearing me from my calender.

"Cameron James's office" I said softly into my phone just like I did everyday, it felt like this phone never stopped ringing. "Avery, sweetheart" I heard my mother's voice say on the other end of the phone, making my blood run cold. "Mother, I told you not to call my office" I growled to her, hearing a gasp on the other end. "I don't wish to talk to you, goodbye" I said before slamming my phone back down. I haven't seen my mother in four years, and even after repeatedly telling her I didn't want to see or talk to her, she insisted and called or texted me daily. The phone rang once more. I swear this woman was insufferable.

"Mother, I told you not to call me here!" I growled with my voice raised into the phone, only to be greeted by a soft laugh on the other end. "That anyway to greet your brother" They said on the other end.

"Tommy!" I gasped nearly in tears hearing my brother's voice. Tommy was my older brother by four years, and has been in Iraq for over a year now. I missed him so much, that hearing his voice actually had me in tears. "Are you ok? How are you?" i asked quickly knowing he probably didn't have much time to talk on the phone. Tommy chuckled before I heard his soft voice again, "I'm fine baby sister, I'll be home soon you know" He said happily. I heard some other people talking in the background, and some loud laughter before i felt it was quiet enough for me to talk again.

"That's great Tommy! I miss you so much" I said softly, feeling the tears already rolling down my face knowing I would be seeing him soon."I miss you too, but I have to go now. I'll email you my return date" Tommy said quickly, probably having a line a mile long behind him to use the phone. "Ok, Tommy. I love you"

"I love you too" And the line went dead. I haven't spoken to Tommy in at least five months now, he often times was moving around a lot and rarely had time to write let alone call anyone. But this one phone call was enough to satisfy me enough until I saw him again. If anything actually did happen to Tommy, my mother would be the person they would notify, and she was terrible enough not to tell me if it did. Tommy would be the only reason I would ever even want to see her again, him still not knowing why I wasn't speaking to her. If Tommy ever did find out what happened six years ago, he would never speak to her either.

Cameron's meeting should be ending soon, and I know he would be starving at this point. It was way past lunchtime right now. I quickly gathered my bag and shut my light off before heading into our lobby to get his lunch for the day. "Avery, wait up!" I heard behind me and smiled when I saw Bradley running up to me. "Going on lunch?" he asked when he caught up to me. I nodded and shifted my purse on my shoulder. "Mind if I join you?" He asked walking with me to the elevator. Jack smiled at the pair of us before hitting the lobby button for the two of us.

"Not at all, I'm eating in the office though" I said softly as we made our way out into the busy streets of New York City. Bradley chuckled before nudging my shoulder with his own "I know this Avery, you do this everyday" Bradley said with a laugh. "Have you been watching me?" I asked with a fake air of appalled to my voice. Bradley was often a breath of fresh air in my stuffy office sometimes, even if he was out there with everything he did.

"Of course baby doll" He said with a laugh before slinging his arm around my shoulder. I stiffened at his touch, and tried to wiggle away from him but Bradley started rambling on about something I wasn't paying attention to. I was too busy trying to get away from him discreetly, him being none the wiser. Bradley had been the first guy to actually touch me in years, even if it was just a friendly gesture. When i felt my heart rate pick up, and my forehead grow sweaty, I was suddenly relieved when he removed his arm as we had just arrived at my favorite diner.

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