Chapter Twenty-Five.

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Weeks flew by in a blur for me. Being the new COO of James Enterprises certainly kept me busy, often times Cameron finished work before I did -- which was saying something for the neurotic business man who worked all hours of the night. Some nights he would just lounge on my couch and watch me work, and other times I wouldn't get much work done thanks to the insatiable man I fell in love with.

I currently was filing some reports on the Kipman deal we were closing next week, when Bradley creeped into my office. "Hey Bradley, what's going on?" I asked placing a couple papers into their corrective files. Bradley looked nervous as he leaned against the front of my desk.

"What's wrong?" I asked with a nervous chuckle. He was fiddling with a picture frame of Cameron and I that was placed at the front of my desk. I loved that picture, it was a candid one I took a while back when we were in Hawaii. Cameron had been lounging beside me in a cabana reading a magazine and I leaned in a kissed him, he didn't look surprised he just embraced it by deepening the kiss and I snapped the memory to keep forever.

"Your mom is downstairs" he said with hesitation.

I stopped and frowned, falling backwards into my chair. "What?" I asked, running my fingers through my wavy hair.

"Cameron had her blocked from calling the office, but she's downstairs pestering Lucy at reception to let her up"

I had been so happy with Cameron, had gotten into this amazing routine of working and living with him. And of course my mother would come in like a vulture and try and ruin everything for me. She had lost her money and her husband, so now she was crawling back to the only thing she knew -- me.

"I can call security if you--"

I cut him off. "No, I'll handle it"

"Are you sure? Cameron told me to let him know if she ever entered the building, but I thought I would tell you first seeing as it's your Mom"

Bradley began fiddling with his argyle tie that hung too short on his blue work shirt. He had tucked his black slacks into chunky black boots and accessorized it all with two brightly colored watches on one arm. He once told me he was too lazy to replace the batteries when they died, so he took to just buying a new one when they died. But he loved them so much he wore them even when they didn't work.

"Thanks Bradley" I said, giving his arm a squeeze as I walked past him. "Give her hell!" He shouted back at me, earning a chuckle from me. I had told Bradley majority of my issues with my mother, minus the issues with Maxwell. What I told him was enough for him to dislike her.

Cameron was on the phone when I past his office. His calm demeanor told me it wasn't a business call. He played with a pen, twirling it around his fingers, and I could see the laugh lines around his eyes even from where I stood. It was happy Cameron, and something I treasured deeply. If I could spend my life just making him smile, then I would die a happy woman.

Cameron caught my eye and his smile widened. I gave him a small wave and crinkled my nose, he chuckled and winked before I continued on to the elevators. The pair of us were so busy during the day, sometimes we rarely saw each other. But when we did, we made sure to show the other just how much we cared. Small smiles and waves from across the office were sometimes all we could manage, but we more than overcompensated for the lack of communication when we got home.

The lobby at James Enterprises was practically empty. I wasn't surprised seeing as it was three o'clock in the afternoon. I walked around the rounded reception desk in the middle of the lobby, Lucy; the older woman behind the desk looked ready to pull her hair out. "Where is she?" I asked without stopping. She sighed and pointed across the lobby to a seating area, and I found her arguing with security.

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