Chapter Sixteen.

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The office was weird this morning... It was almost noon and Cameron hadn't yet appeared for work yet. I was growing worried since I hadn't seen him since the night before. It was one of the rare nights I actually slept in my own apartment, simply because I had ran out of clothes at his place. It had been over a month since everything had happened and I found myself falling more and more in love with him.

The things he could do to my body, the things his words did to my mind were enough to drive any woman into insanity. The amount of love I felt for this man was undeniably overwhelming and I wanted nothing more than to continue on with whatever it is we were doing. We weren't married, we weren't together officially or anything. But he would tell me how much I meant to him almost every day, he would show me nothing but love with his actions and that was ok with me.

I sighed and glanced once more over to Cameron's empty office and found myself growing increasingly worried. I called him several times and got no response, this was so unlike him. A knock on my door made me jerk my head away from Cameron's office to respond to whomever was on the other side.

It was Jame's Enterprises CFO, Cameron's friend; Charles Derrick. "Hey Charlie" I said with a nod. He nodded back before looking to Cameron's empty office and back to me. I sighed knowing Cameron had a meeting soon and he wasn't here yet, Charlie probably wanting to know something about his whereabouts.

"I cant get a hold of him" I said to Charlie. Charlie opened his mouth to respond, but my cellphone going off made him stop. It was Cameron. My fingers fumbled with my phone before sliding my finger across the screen to quickly answer.

"Cameron, where are you? Are you alright?" I asked quickly, feeling desperate to find him. I heard a shaky sigh on the other end before Cameron finally spoke.

"Sweetheart" I heard him say. He sounded terrible, like he hadn't slept in days. His voice was shaky and rough, it sounded almost like he had been crying for quite some time. "Cameron, what is it?" I asked softly. Charlie had wandered out of my office to give me some privacy, and I was thankful for that because whatever was going on with Cameron didn't sound like anything i needed getting around the office.

"It's my mother" I heard him say, his voice cracking. My eyes widened thinking the worst had happened to Janet James. She had been battling cancer, but from what Cameron told me, she was doing better. "Where are you?" I asked quickly, not even thinking twice before gathering up my bag to go where he was. He told me the hospital name and I quickly hung up the phone and shoved it into my bag.

I had to take a moment and remember that I was still his assistant, his employee, not just his lover or whatever I was. I forwarded every call from Cameron's and my office to Charlie's, and canceled the few meetings he had scheduled today. I let charlie know there was an emergency I needed to handle, and let Bradley know to not let anyone in to see Cameron as he was not here.

I had never been more thankful that a cab was already sitting outside the company, and quickly clambered into the back and told him my location, with of course an extra twenty dollars if we hurried up.

I tossed the money at the driver and quickly ran inside of Lennox Hill Memorial Hospital. The woman at the front desk alerted me of what floor and room Janet was in, and it didn't take long before I was running as fast as I could down a long hallway, my heels echoing loudly through the hall.

I found her room and calmed myself before pushing through the closed door. I saw Cameron first, he was sitting beside her bed with her hand clasped firmly in his hand. Tears rolled down his face as he spoke quietly to his mother. It broke my heart to see him this way, killed me that he was filled with any form of sadness and I wanted nothing more than to take it all away.

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