Chapter Nineteen.

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It only took me around an hour to quickly pack up what I could for the trip. I packed every dress I owned, some were so old I was embarrassed to say when I actually got them. But I knew Cameron wouldn't care what I was wearing, he preferred my clothing on the floor anyway. I zipped up my suitcase and changed into something a little more comfortable for traveling; some cotton shorts, a loose t-shirt and a light jacket. I wasn't sure how long we would be gone, and I didn't care. I was just excited to spend time with Cameron.

I heard the door to my apartment open and Cameron's voice call through my apartment. "Sweetheart, are you ready?" he asked, and immediately rushed to my side to grab the suitcase out of my hands. "Did you pack for the whole year?" he asked with a chuckle as he pretended to struggle with my bag. I glared at him playfully before grabbing my purse and cell phone and following him out of my apartment.

It didn't take long before we were at the airport, but instead of parking the car, Cameron drove around the side to his private hanger where his jet was. It overwhelmed me at first, but after years of having to travel with him for business, I just got used to it all. "Hello Adam" Cameron said, greeting the pilot who was waiting on top of the staircase. "Mr. James, Ms. Montgomery" Adam greeted us with a smile as he welcomed us onto the plane.

"Would you like a drink Miss?" A flight attendant asked, he was new as there was a different one the last time I was aboard the plane. "White wine please" I asked. "Whiskey, please Starling" Cameron said to him and he bustled away to the back of the plane. I was always a nervous flier no matter how much i traveled, and was grateful for the open bar on Cameron's private plane.

Cameron and I settled into one of the large black couches, and Starling brought us our drinks. "Calm down Avery" Cameron said with a chuckle as I practically inhaled the entire glass the second it was in my grasp. "You know I hate flying" I mumbled with a sheepish look. He frowned and wrapped an arm around my waist pulling me into his side. His touch calmed me instantly and i leaned my head against his shoulder. "You're safe with me" He whispered into my hair before kissing my temple.

"How long is the flight?" I asked as I downed the remaining wine in my glass and handed it back to Starling who was filling it up once more. Being semi-drunk was really the only way for me to get through flights. "About twelve hours" He said taking a sip of his own drink. I sighed and snuggled into Cameron more when I heard the pilot firing up the jet. "Just go to sleep baby, we'll be there before you know it" He said.

I couldn't sleep at first, I was worrying about turbulence and weather and wondering about strange noises on the plane. I did that every time I walked onto a plane, and Cameron could only laugh at my misfortune. But after Cameron forced me to lay down in his lap, and he stroked his fingers meticulously through my hair, I finally fell asleep.

I woke up and it was pitch black on the plane, my head was still laying on Cameron's lap and when i looked up at him he was flipping through something on his phone. I rolled onto my back and Cameron noticed I was awake and smiled. "Morning sweetheart" he said before placing his phone on the side table and kissing me quickly. "Where are we?" I groaned out noticing how dark the plane was.

"Somewhere over the Pacific" He said. I quickly sat up in my seat and rested my head on Cameron's shoulder. "Were you working?" I asked, nodding to his abandoned cellphone that was sitting next to him. He shook his head, "No, I was emailing with my lawyer. Final things to do with my mother"

"I'm sorry" I whispered and kissed him gently on the cheek. Cameron shifted and leaned his back against the couch, pulling me down to lay on his chest. I could feel his steady heartbeat under my hand, and I laid my head against his chest when he started running his fingers through my hair. "You'll put me to sleep again if you keep doing that" I whispered into his chest. A low rumble sounded under my ear as a throaty chuckle emitted from Cameron's throat.

"Go to sleep then baby, I'll be here when you wake up" And so I did...

When I woke up again, the sun was bright in the sky and looking across the planes window I could make out the tiny island of Honolulu across the ocean. Cameron was once again sitting up and messing with his cellphone, I swear I never see this man sleep. It's a bit unnerving how he's always awake, although I used to have the same issue. For years after the incidents with Maxwell I had a terrible time falling asleep as nightmares would haunt me way into the nights. But after meeting Cameron he slowly pulled me out of that dark hole, without even realizing it.

"Mr.James were landing soon, if you wouldn't mind putting on your seat belts" Starling asked as he popped out from another section of the plane. "Not at all Starling, Thank you" He gently helped me from my seat, and we clicked the seat belts on that were hidden in the leather couch. Another thing I loved about Cameron was how well he treated his employees. I mean look at me, I work for him and I'm having sex with the man. Although our relationship was a lot more complicated than that.

About ten minutes later and the jet was parked on the runway at the Hawaiian airport. "I cant tell you how ready I am to just lay around with you in the sand and to be ripping your clothes off under a cabana" Cameron whispered from behind me. I blushed furiously and tried shying away from Starling who was smiling at us from the door to the plane. "As am I" I said turning around and kissing him quickly on the lips.

There was a black car waiting on the tar mat for us, and after Cameron made sure our luggage was taken to our resort, he helped me climb into the back of the car before climbing in himself. He laced his fingers with mine before leaning back in the seat and enjoying the beautiful scenery that passed us by. "I love you" I whispered into his shoulder that was beneath my chin. Cameron looked down at me and smiled before taking my chin between his fingers and placing his lips against mine.

The kiss was sweet at first, but quickly we were ravishing each other in the backseat of the car completely oblivious to the driver that was only feet away. We eventually pulled away from each other, breathing heavily. "As I love you" Cameron whispered before we turned away to continue enjoying the Hawaii landscapes.

The resort we were staying at was one of the newer, smaller ones. But it didn't make it any less amazing. It was less crowded than other resorts on the island and every one of the state houses had it's own private beach. I was completely in awe when I stepped foot into the lobby, and Cameron laughed at my amusement as we walked through the hotel hand in hand.

Our room was equally as beautiful, one of the larger state houses, with it's own kitchen area, a deck with a Jacuzzi, and the most gorgeous view of Mount Pu'u Kukui outside on the beach. I immediately loved it here and knew it was going to be hell when it came time to leave. I walked out onto the deck and took in the salty sea air and the sounds of the waves lapping over the beach that was closer to our resort then I realized.

"It's beautiful here Cameron, thank you for bringing me here" I said when I felt his chest pushing into my back. He pulled my hair to one side before gently kissing my neck, making me moan softly into him. "I would give you the entire world, if I could" he said into my ear before continuing his tantalizing journey up my neck with his lips.

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