Gang Love: Rihanna

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Rihanna's POV:
2 February 2005

"Girl, we going to that party tonight? It be by the South side." My best friend Melissa asked, while eating the fried plantains my mom made for us.

"Party? On the south side? Nuh uh." I said making a 'X' motion with my arms while mouthing "noooo" making Mel smack her lips, "Rob, please! You know the Y/L/N sisters are gon be there. We have to" she made that stupid pouty face at me which wasn't even cute.

"Ok stop, you look so dumb" I laughed at her fake shocked expression "We really going?" She asked making me roll my eyes. Didn't she get my hint?

"Yes! What time is it?" I asked. "It start at 7"

"Rob! I need the bathroom, I'll be right back girl" Melissa yelled over the music as the two of us danced on the crowded dance floor. I knew she wasn't going to no bathroom, I saw that guy standing behind her. Stupid hoe.

Simply giving her a thumbs up and a dramatic wink she scurried off making me sit down next to a friend from school "Ou, Y/n is coming here" she whispered eyeing Y/n up and down. I won't lie and say a lil bit of jealousy didn't spike through my body when I saw Y/n smirking back at her.

"Excuse me" Y/n said to the girl giving her the head signal to move. I didn't want her to see me giving her too much attention. "I missed you too Rih" Ugh the things she does when she calls me by my middle name. Lord. She was the only I let call me by my middle name.

"Mhm, so why you not been calling me?" I asked turning my body to face her. "You know I been busy, making money for the both of us baby" She said holding my chin softly making me hide my face. Y/n was a smooth ass talker, it got her in and out of trouble a lot of the time. Especially with me.

"Oh god" She laughed out before standing up reaching her hand out to me "Come on, those bitch east side niggas are coming. You and Melissa need to go home." She deadpanned. I knew she was serious so I quickly had to go find Melissa, luckily she was getting out of the bathroom fixing her clothes. "We gotta go" I said to her.

All she did was nod her head and grab my hand as I lead her out the crowd, to the front door where Y/n's sister was waiting for us.


Last night was a motherfuckin trip. After Y/ns sister dropped Mel and I off I waited for Y/n to call which was at 6 in the morning. She sounded exhausted. It broke my heart knowing that she couldn't get out of this life. No matter how hard she tried, it'll follow her everywhere.

"I'ma come by your place later baby, ask mama Monica if she can make me that good ass root beer." She chuckled knowing my momma would make it for her in a second.

"Mhm, leave my mommy alone nigga." I let out a belly laugh at her shocked gasp "wow, don't ask me for nothing" she hung up.

I knew she wasn't made, she's probably on her way right now anyways.

After about 10 minutes I heard Y/n coming to my room, big ass loud ass feet. She came in smacking the fuck outta my ass. "Y/n stop!" I laughed before pouting seeing she had a small bag in her hand "what's that?" I asked her seeing she had a teasing smile on her face.

"You're gonna have to wait and see" she said before rushing outside "Mama Monica!" She yelled running down to the kitchen.

I just followed behind her, laughing loudly when my mom told her to "stop yelling in my goddamn house"

"I missed you too mama" leaning down to kiss her cheek, "I have some news for everyone!" Eyeing her with confusion she just looked at me and winked.


15 years later

"Y/n come on! Put her down, she needs to take a nap" I said seeing her bounce our daughter up and down making her giggle loudly. "Ok ok, I think mommy's a little bit grumpy today baby" She said to Ayanna making her nod her head but nonetheless get into her princess bed.

Once she was sleeping we both walked out making Y/n peck my lips and walk to her office while I walked to our bedroom. Sighing softly feeling the silk sheets rub against my uncovered thighs.

I'm laying on silk sheets in my 3 story house in a master bedroom that I share with my highschool crush and my beautiful daughter is just a hallway away from me. Never ever in my life did I imagine this be the result of Y/n's surprise all those years ago.

What actually happened that day was Y/n had asked her sister to send a audio of me (that I didn't even know she was recording.) singing to almost record label in America. The 'surprise' in the bag was 3 plane tickets to New York sent from my ex manager Jay- Z.

You would think after all the success and money I brought to the table she would've stopped her old ways. But that wasn't the case at all. Y/n was most likely one of the biggest underground drug dealers in New York.

"Babygirl" she said walking inside our room interrupting my thoughts. "Hmm?" I hummed seeing her step around the bed standing infront of me. Since I was on the bed and she was infront of me. Her print was basically in my face making my mouth basically water.

"What you looking at mamas? Hmm?" She teasingly asked as I got on my knees on the bed infront of her. Her large hands came to my face, moving my hair to the one side.

I didn't even respond, simply taking her sweat pants off slowly along with her briefs kissing along the side of her girth. I kissed up to her tip sucking it softly tasting her precum. Looking up at her seeing her look back down at me with a smirk on her face. Wanting to catch her off guard I grabbed the back of her thighs deep throating her. Her a small gasp from her. "Damn.. R-Robyn"

She grabbed the back of the my neck thrusting into my mouth roughly. Quickly moving her hands off of me when I felt like I couldn't breathe taking a deep breath. "Fuck Y/n" I moaned. "Mhm, take that shit baby" She said as if I got a throat of motherfuckin steal.

"Baby, I want you inside of me. Ayanna is gonna wake up randomly." The thought of interrupted sex must've triggered her into flipping me onto my back taking my underwear off my legs. "You're so beautiful" she said softly, thrusting into me slowly giving me time to adjust. I knew this was love making, not just sex.

"Mhm, just like that baby" I whispered into her ear feeling her give me long deep strokes. She placed my leg onto her shoulder reaching her hand down to rub my clit. "ou Y/nn!" I moaned feeling her bottom out into me. " Her speed quickened thrusting harder making a rhythm. My arms wrapped around her neck kissing her lips slowly.

The kiss soon turned sloppy as I felt myself start to slip into a euphoric state. "Yes daddy!" I yelled out feeling myself clench around her before I came hard on her dick. "Fuck Rihanna! You so wet baby" she said before pulling out and coming onto my lower stomach. "Damn" she breathed out before getting up and kissing my forehead.

"You gotta go somewhere?" I asked hoping she would say no. "Uhm, it's just some shit at the warehouse, those niggas are stealing from me." She said going to the bathroom "You coming?" She asked before walking inside. I knew that meant some head and I can't say no to that.

After a session in the shower I went to go check on Ayanna, seeing she was still sleeping. Just like her mama. "We going out. Can y'all check on her?" I told my guards as we made our way to the car where the driver was waiting.

"You know what baby?" Y/n asked "what babe?" "I need a book written about me... Yeah or a movie, cause this shit is crazy." I simply smiled softly shaking my head at her. She wasn't wrong, Y/n did have a crazy life.

"Remeber that night in highschool? When I lied and said East side kids were coming?" My eyebrows furrowed at her "you lied? Why was you tryna get me outta there? You had a bitch-" she cut me off "No Rob what the hell, I had to go down to the post office early in the morning get the tickets Jay had sent." Aww.

"You're so cute and I'm so grateful for you" I said putting my head on her shoulder instantly feeling protected

I wanna turn this into a book

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