ix) Night Changes

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So next part is here!

Very late... But here it is!

I'll rant about what made me come so late at the end. Hope you'll forgive me sweety.

Happy Birthday floatingstarsx!! ❤


Mumbai University,

It was the last day of college. Exams had ended and all were preparing for the final farewell. Ragini was supposed to host the programme.

All were in the activity centre of the college practicing their own parts when the principal of the college walked in.

"So...? How is the preparation going? "
Asked the principal.

"Good Sir. "
The students replied resuming back to their parts when he interrupted again.

"Sorry students, I'll just take a few more minutes of yours. I have some guest with me who I would like that you guys meet. " He said.

"Offo! These people leave no chance to waste our time. " Ragini murmured to herself as she saw her principal going out to take the guest.

A few minutes later, the principal walked in with a man might be half his age. His walk had class, hairs groomed to perfection and his aura speaking volumes of charm.

And for a second, Ragini just couldn't remove her eyes from him for a moment.
But soon, she came back to herself.

"Students, meet Mr Laksh Roy. He is here to offer job opportunities for young lads like you. The guy is the son of Mr Yashraj Roy, owner of the most known Fashion House in Mumbai and lacking interest in that sector made him to start as a new entrepreneur. Here he comes. "
The principal explained.

All looked keenly towards him as who would not want to get a job assurance even before completing studies.

All keenly waited for him to start. He took a step forward to speak but instead slipped over something and fell down.

There was a dead silence.

All students got stunned. The gorgeous man standing with his head high in clouds was lying on the ground now.

Ragini stifled a little chuckle and immediately covered it by going to help him.

She gave him her hand and he embarrassedly took it and got up.

"Are you fine?" She asked him.

"Yea... Yeah...! Thank you. " He said and looked around with a red face.

"It.. It's fine. " Ragini said and went back to her place.

Laksh then later explained how he was starting a new company and what all requirements were there to join the company.

And the idea being really good, students including Ragini went for the interview.

A few weeks later,

Ragini got a newsletter about her being selected with other 10 students of her college. She was glad to have a job while pursuing her further degree.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2021 ⏰

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