vi| Sitarvati?

969 107 162

Happy birthdayyy sindhuraii di....
You should have told this to us earlier! 😕
But der aaye durust aaye!
A very happy birthday.....
The update is for you. Wrotr in haste. Haha.

It's serial based. Short os.

Track:- When Laksh came to meet Ragini in the college.

Note:- Sanskaar is happily staying with Maheshwaris. No past of him.

"Oh Yeah! I have come here to meet Madam Sitarvati...Oh God! What a bore she is! "
Laksh said talking on the phone to Omi.

"But why are you there? "
Omi asked from the other side.

"To give a picture perfect of mine in front of her eyes. I don't want any risks. "
Laksh says sighing.

"Will it be easy? What if she already has a bad opinion about you? "
Omi says worried.

"Hahaha. You must be kidding. Don't worry bro, she isn't the type of girl with independent thinking. Daadi ne kaha inko pati maanlo toh maanliya. She didn't even try to know about me. And I very well know, my father would never choose an outspoken girl for the family. He will always choose the one whose lips are sealed and only nods with pallu on her head saying Ji Maaji, Ji Papa ji! Cheh! Never mind. Chal okay, I'll call you back. "
Laksh says pouring out his heart.

"Ya okay."
Saying this Omi cuts the call.

Laksh keeps his hand in his pocket and starts viewing the campus. The moment he turns around he looks at Ragini who was shooting looks to him with her scrutinised eyes and raised eyebrows. His eyes widen terrificly.

"Sitarvati? Oh sorry...Ra..Ra... Hehehe.... Hi!! How are you? "
He said as himself running from the reality that she didn't hear anything.

"Hi.....Haha....yeah I was fine a few moments before. For now, I can't say."
She comments.

Laksh gulps and tries to tweak the thing.

"I didn't mean what you are thinking."

"Oh yeah, but you did mean what I listened. Anyways, why are you here? Let me guess, You are here to cover up for your stupid behaviour on the day of engagement, Right? "
She says crossing her arms around her chest.

"Uhmmm yeah. "
He says rubbing his nape in embarrassment.

"Well in that case, You don't need to be here. I don't judge people on the basis of small things..."
She says rolling her eyes.

Laksh nowhere expected such kind of behaviour from her. He stood still.

"I think you should go or else everyone here will think of you as another love sick puppy of mine. "
She says yawning and looking at her watch.

"Wha-haat!? "
He says in horror.

"What? "
She asks irritated.

"No-nothing.... I am leaving. I am going. Bye. "
He says turning back raising his both eyebrows in amusement and moves towards car.

Ragini murmurs angrily looking at him.

"Sitarvati?? I'll tell you what I am. These people can't digest someone talking to them politely. Naaaa, they want someone who can insult them between four people. Ji maaji ji papa ji! My foot! "
She imitates him and stamps her foot going from there.

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