Chapter 5

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I wake up with the sun and find everything the way I left it. No monsters were on my boat or tried to get me.

I sigh with relief and start to get changed. I decided that today would be a good day to get the heck home.

I have about 4 days worth of food left and if I eat it sparingly and even fished a little, I could stretch it out to 5 or 6 days.

The breeze is just enough to get my boat moving which I do quickly. If I sail fast enough in the direction I think I came from then hopefully I'll be able to sail past the creatures if they are still near by.

I start to approach where the water changes color and am about to cross into the darker waters when I feel something odd. My boat is being jolted back.

I look overboard to see if I hit a reef but find nothing there. My jaw drops when I see that the water where the colors change is flowing almost like a river. However, it is just in one line, keeping my boat from going any further.

I sail along the like a bit and try again but fail. I keep trying but find no way to get beyond the light colored water.

I let the water push my boat away from the line and I plop onto the deck with a sigh. As if things can get any worse.

I have no idea why the waves are acting like that and what to do about it.

I stand up and walk around the ship trying to think of something to do. If I follow the line then hopefully I will find a way out. And if not, I'll resort to plan B. Using both the wind in my sails and the motor to fly at the line and hopefully get over it. That is if I can fix the motor.

For now, I need to do something about my smell and scratchy legs.

I look at the water for what feels like an hour, trying to get enough courage to bathe. The water is clear enough that if something came at me, I would be able to see it. I can also be quick and spend as little time near the water's edge as possible. I finally get enough courage to do it.

I grab my soap and razor and head to the lowest part of the deck where the water just an inch blow it and it is often wet.

While shaving, I go to put the razor down after I am done with it but a wave comes and pushes a few of my things.


I reach for the razor but don't get it in time. It sinks below the water and falls to the bottom of the water. I look over the edge and see that it wasn't that deep. I can just see the sand at the bottom.

"Shit. Shit. Shit!"

I stand up and grab my wet hair. I can't leave it. My dad raised me to do what I can to keep things from falling into the ocean and if it does, I am supposed to go get it.

I can't leave it. I look around the boat to see if anything is in the water I should be worried about. I see nothing so I dive head first into the water.

The closer I get, the blurrier everything gets. I touch bottom and soon find the razor among the rocks. I push off the bottom and am half way up when I feel eyes on me.

I look to my right, away from the boat and almost scream. About 20 feet from me is one of those creatures. I can barley make it out but I can tell because of the shape of its body. This one is bigger and more built than the others.

My heart clenches and I scramble back to the boat. I stand up and back up to the center of the boat, looking around at the water and waiting for a form to approach the boat.

My body shakes as I waited to be started by a webbed hand gripping the railing.

After a while, I start to doubt that it would come. I almost faint when I hear a splash to my left. I look over to see a shape in the water breach the surface.

This creature is different from the others. He is larger with dark brown hair instead of black hair. He is more built and tanner than the others were whose skin was more grey. The most captivating thing is his eyes. The irises are black but the more they stare at me the more I see hints of deep blue.

His face is the image of perfection. His jaw is sharp and strong. It looks even sharper with the stern expression on his face. Normally, I would be nervous around someone who looked so serious but for some odd reason, I just feel safe and protected. Why I feel this way I have no idea.

My heart is pounding but the more we stare at each other, the calmer my heart becomes. I am still on edge and expect sudden movements from him.

I jump when I hear him sigh. It sounds strange. Such a human sound coming from such a creature.

He turns and dives into the water, disappearing from sight.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

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