Chapter 7

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The next day I decide to do some more mapping. Just like yesterday, I notice the creature following the boat as I sail.

I feel frustration building in my chest. This creature can probably leave but I can't. He is mocking me.

I decide that I am done with mapping for now and I bring the boat to a stop over a reef. Luckily, the reef is far enough under water that I can let the boat float above it.

I take a seat and stick my feet in the water as I peel an orange. I pop the first peel into my mouth and look around to see the creature watching me some distance from my boat.

I pause my chewing as I watch his gaze intensify when our eyes meet. He looks to my orange and then to me.

It makes me mad that he is watching me so much. Why hasn't he attacked me and why did he ask my name? What does he want with me?

I finish my orange and decide that I have had enough of his staring. It was hard to eat with him watching.

I stand up and yell out to him.

"Go the hell away and stop watching me!"

I didn't care in the moment but after he turned and swam off into the distance, I felt a pit in my stomach. I began to think about how much stronger he is than me. How he can kill me if he wants to.

Watch my stupid mouth get me killed after pissing off this creature. Stupid me.

I check my food and water. I have about 3 days left of food and a week of water. The food starts to worry me the most. I decide to save it and try to fish in these reefs.

Joseph was really into fishing and taught me how to prepare one for cooking.

I grab my brother's old fishing tool box and pole from the cabin. After I put some fake bate on it, I throw the rod at the water and the line casts perfectly.

Very quickly, I feel a tug on the other end a pull in a good sized fish. I guess these fish don't know to avoid this kind of food like the ones at the docks do.

I decide to try for one more and cast my line again. This time, however, I feel nothing for a while. I sit in silence and hear the occasional thumping of the fish in the bucket next to me.

I am about to give up when I feel a tug in the line. I smile and start to pull it in when the pole is suddenly ripped from my hands.

I gasp as the pole disappears into the water.

Shit. The creature is mad. What if I went too far and added salt to the wound with my fishing? What if he is coming for me?

I stand up and wait for something to happen. My body shakes as I wait in the silence.

I hear the sudden movement of water on the side of my boat and I back up from the edge.

I see a hand reach up and grab the railing like before. This time, a female pulls herself onto my boat. Her eyes are wild and crazed. They look at me with pure hatred.

I back up and gasp as she flops into the boat. Her tail quickly dissolves into a pair of long legs. She is completely naked as she stumbles a bit before hanging onto the railing. She is easily taller than me by a lot since I'm on the shorter side.

She screeches at me and I reach for the spear but find that I didn't put it back. I feel her reach for my ankle and I jump away, running around the opening of the cabin and hiding on the other side of the control panel.

I look around the side to see the female pick up the spear that was on the ground by the ropes and fling it at me. I move my head out of the way but feel the blade pierce my shoulder. I scream in pain and hold my shoulder, feeling the blood.

Suddenly, I feel another thump on the boat. I can hear the female laugh.

"He is coming for you, you stupid human."

I look over to see her look over the edge. Suddenly, her face contorts to one of fear as a muscular hand reaches up and grabs her by the throat, dragging her violently into the water without mercy.

I stand there and breath heavily as I wait for the splashing to stop. After a while, I decide that the pain in my shoulder is too much and I need to get into the cabin to patch it up.

I cautiously slide along the control panel and towards the cabin's door. I stop in my tracks before I can get too far.

There on the deck is him. He turns to look at me and I notice his eyes go from a beautiful deep blue to a darker blue as he looks from my face to my shoulder.

"She can't hurt you anymore. I won't let anyone hurt you."

I frown at this. Why would he care?

Before I can ask him, he dives into the water and disappears.

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