Chapter 17

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Atticus has been bringing me food and I have been eating away the fruit we found.

Right now I am sewing a patch that ripped in the sail. Luckily, my sewing kit is one of few things that stayed in the ship and was just thrown around a bit, leaving a mess in the cabin.

Atticus is looking out to the sea and I'm zoning out while I'm sewing. Without thinking, I start to sing a little.

I'm moving far away
To a sunny place
Where it's just you and me
Feels like we're in a dream
You know what I mean

The summer air by the seaside
The way it fills our lungs
The fire burns in the night sky
This life will keep us young, keep us young

I stop when Atticus approaches me. He sits in front of me and looks into my eyes.

"I'll take you home" he says firmly.

I smile. I want to and need to go home. But something stops me from jumping for joy.

"Won't the others try to attack the boat?"

"I'll be there. I'll get you home safely."

I smile at him. "Thank you."

His eyes slowly lower to my hands and I pause sewing. He reaches for the sail.

"It's almost ready. I just have to finish the hole."

"I love your singing. I love how you can be happy despite your struggles. I love how determined you are."

I don't know what to say. He loves those things about me?


His hand reaches for mine and his eyes look to mine. I feel him lean towards me. His face is handsome and strong. His eyes look like they have experienced a lot but his face still looks perfect and smooth. His lips are full and colored, his eyebrows are arched and neat, his jaw is strong. He looks like he could take on the world. And he is leaning in to kiss me.

I his eyes are half closed and so are mine as our lips are just an inch apart.

"Kaia." He says my name with so much delicacy and care. I feel my heart beating for him.

He seems to hesitate for a moment before giving in and our lips meet. At first it is gentle and I stay still.

He goes to pull away but my body acts on its own. I push the sail aside and kiss him back.

I feel his hand place itself at the back of my neck and pull me closer. I can tell that he needs me. He has been needing this for a while and I will admit that I have been too.

He puts his hand on my waist and pulls me closer to him. I moan at the sudden movement and his kissing seems to pick up speed.

It starts as just lips and I soon open my mouth for him to explore. Our tongues meet and he presses into me more. I feel tingles go through my body as all the needs and wants are being satisfied.

He pulls away just enough to get one word out before going back in for more.


I love hearing him say my name. It sounds like the cool ocean breeze. When he says it again, it reminds me of the salty mist from the ocean.


His hand goes up my waist and to my lower back as he holds me close to him. I feel my heart go out to him as he gives me all of his emotions. I can feel the need, the passion, the line of resistance snapping.

I want to trust him completely and give him the world in this moment. I feel myself diving into those blue pools, risking my heart and soul for the bliss of being his.

We begin to slow down to catch our breath. He rests his forehead against mine. His eyes are looking to the floor and his brows are furrowed. He looks like he is thinking hard.

I'm scared to say it. "Do you regret it?"

His eyes snap to mine and he shakes him head. "Of course not. It's just not what I thought it would feel like."

"What do you mean?"

He pulls away from me but slides me closer to him. I rest my head on his chest and he begins to speak. The vibration from his chest makes my heart quicken.

"I have been here for so long that I grew desperate. I slept with a few females but always felt guilty after. I felt like I was betraying you before I even met you."

"You knew I was coming?"

"I didn't. I hoped and prayed but I was left alone for so long that I lost hope. Do you know what a mate is, Kaia?"

My name sounds so good on his lips. I shake my head. "Like a friend?"

He chuckles and my heart jumps. It's the sexiest thing I have ever heard.

"No. My kind gets mates. They are a special someone who you know you are destined for. There are different kinds of bonds and relationships but most are romantic. You willingly give yourself to that person, both body and soul."

I feel him look down at me and kiss the top of my head. "You are my mate, Kaia. That's why I couldn't let you leave. I can't lose you. I didn't kiss you the other day because I was afraid of how it would feel. I didn't want you to regret it like I did with the other females. I wouldn't be able to handle rejection."

I feel sad. He has been so alone and even though it's for good reason, I've been trying to run from him. I decide to be bold and pull away from his chest. I look into his deep blue eyes and cup his face with my hands.

"I won't reject you, Atticus."

He smiles at me. The most beautiful smile I have ever seen. His eyes grow a shade lighter and are now a beautiful navy blue. I kiss him and he pulls me to him.

Song: Coastline by Hollow Coves

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