Chapter 16

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Atticus is sitting across from me while I work on detangling a rope used to control one of the sails. We already finished the fish he caught and the plates are sitting next to us.

"Dad used to take Joseph and I to the market in town to get some trinkets."

"What kind of things did you get?"

"Well Joseph would always get the foam swords and I got sea glass. I had a whole bunch of sea glass on my window in my room."

"I'd like to meet Joseph" he says.

I pause. I never thought of him coming home with me. Would he really want to?

Atticus is looking between my hands and my face as I tell him more stories from my childhood. Eventually, I slow down and decide to ask him about his life.

"Can you tell me about you? I don't know much."

He sucks in a breath and looks at the water for a moment. I can tell he is thinking of where to start. He looks back to me and I am not prepared for what he tells me next.

"I've been alive for about 100 years. I don't know the exact number because I've lost track."

My jaw drops. "How is that possible?"

"Ask the sea. I was about 28 when I stopped growing older. It was about that time that I realized I could manipulate the sea." He lifts his hand up and looks at the palm.

"Have you been alone all that time?"

"After my mother and I split when I was 15, I never bonded with anyone. So yes. I've been alone for a long time."

"You mentioned living with humans. Did you meet anyone then? Friends, made family, romantic interests?" I say the last part awkwardly and curse myself for being so childish.

"I lived on some coast far away, probably not the one you are from. I didn't find anyone interesting enough and if anything, humanity made me mad. So I left and have been here ever since."

His eyes look far away as he thinks about his life. I thought I was alone out here but he has been here for most of his life.


I didn't kiss her when we were picking up trash because I am afraid.

I have met females in the past. Females who either lost their mates or hadn't found them yet. Humans would call it "one night stands".

When I was with those females, I always regretted it right after. That's the only time I ever let them come onto my territory. Just for satisfaction.

I am afraid to kiss Kaia because I don't want to feel that way. It's probably stupid but all the woman I have ever been with for the last 100 years made me feel guilty. I don't know what I would do if I ever felt that way with Kaia or made her feel that way about me.

Will she even accept me if I told her what she is to me? What kind of bond we have?

After the incident with the storm, she wanted me to sleep in the cabin with her to feel safe. I sleep on the floor and she sleeps in her cot. She tried to give me her pillows or blankets but I insisted that I don't need them. I've slept on the ocean floor so I can sleep without those things.

When I woke up, I hoped to look over to the cot and see her innocent face sleeping on the bed. But she wasn't there. For a second, I panicked and rushed out of the cabin.

She really is something. I come out of the cabin to see her doing chart wheels on the beach next to the boat. I can see a stick and a leaf in her hair as she spins.

Did she climb a tree? She is panting and seems out of breath.

"What are you doing?" I ask smiling down at her.

She squeaks and lands on her butt. "You startled me. I um... was just trying to get back in shape. I lost a lot of weight and muscle in the last few days and I need to move my arms more."

"I can see that" I say with a laugh.

It pains me to think she lost weight because of me.

She turns her back to me and starts to jog down the beach, clearly enjoying herself.

Her hair is flying in the air and her grey eyes are sparkling as she runs and laughs.

She takes my breath away. I never thought a human would ever make me feel this way.

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