Chapter 18

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The sun is the first thing I notice. It is shinning through the window and onto my face. I go to roll over and find my hand stuck in one place. I look down and see Atticus on the floor. His hand is up on the bed holding onto mine.

My heart flutters and I lean forward to look down at him. His face is so peaceful and a slight smile is tugging at the corners of his lips.

I lay there for a little longer enjoying his hand around mine. I don't want to let go but the urge to move around becomes too much.

I slip free from his grasp and hear him moan a little. I grab my suit and run to the deck to change. I quickly finish as I hear him moving around in the cabin.

He comes up rubbing his eyes and looks at me. I walk to him and take his hand.

"Will you swim with me?"

He blinks. "In my other form?" I nod. "I thought that scared you."

"I... think I'll be fine. I trust you."

He gives me a perfect smile and we walk to the beach. Without hesitation, I dive in and enjoy the clear, beautiful water.

Atticus takes off his shorts while my back is turned.

I allow myself to get lost in the beautiful water. It is crystal clear and when I say crystal clear, I mean the waters reminded me of crystals. If you were to dangle a crystal in front of your window and see the shinny parts of it, you would know how the water looks here.

The fish around my feet circle me and occasionally get closer. I marvel at their colorful bodies and how graceful they move.

I begin to tread slowly and calmly through the water until it's up to my chest. That's when I feel something brush my leg and I turn around to see him.

I expected to be nervous but I'm not. He gracefully swims to me and all I can see was his perfect eyes. How clear they are and at peace as he moves in the water towards me.

He reaches out for me and pulls me close. His skin is still soft and only occasionally scaly. But I don't  mind. His webbed hands hold me close to him as he looks into my eyes with so much peace.

I bring my feet up and push off of him, making him make a sound.


I laugh as I swim farther from him. I know I won't be able to get away. I soon feel his hand brush my foot as I kick. It moves up my leg, to my waist, and then my arm as he yanks me back with a laugh.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Just trying to get away from you." I smile at him.

"I'm not letting you go so easily" he says encouraging me and jerking my body closer to him.

I push on his shoulders but he doesn't even budge.

"There is no use in fighting, Kaia."

"Still doesn't mean I won't."

No matter how hard I push or kick, I can't seem to get away. Eventually I give up and rest my head on his shoulder. He chuckles and I feel his chest vibrate.

After relaxing in his arms for a little, I open my eyes and look up to him. He looks down at me and I swear I saw a sparkle in his blue eyes as he looks at me.

"Let's go back to the boat and get something to eat" I say.

He nods and starts to swim on his back while still holding me to his chest.

"I can swim you know."

"I know" he says as he sticks his face into the crook of my neck.

I feel so at peace and at home with him. I want him to stay with me forever. It worries me that I would force him to live with humans but because we live at the ocean, he will always have an escape.

I relax into him and take in a deep breath.

That night, I get him to lay next to me in the cot. He insists that he can sleep on the floor but I don't let him get up. I want him to hold me close and he does so without hesitation.

My head is on his arm and his hand is playing with my necklace.

"Where did you get this one?" He asks. He has been asking me about my few possessions and where I got them. Part of me thinks he just wants to keep me up.

"I got it at a thrift store with my friends."

"You never tell me about your friends."

"I don't have many. I mostly spent time with my brother and dad. My brother's friends are more like friends to me too."

"Are you lonely because you don't have many friends?" He means it in an honest way.

I sigh. "I was when I was young but I don't care anymore. I prefer solitude and the occasional friend."

He wraps his arm around me. "I'll be your friend."

I laugh. "I think you are more than that."

I look up to meet his eyes. They look so soft and a brighter blue every few hours. I used to find it odd but now I realize that it's me doing it. The more he is with me, the lighter they get.

I reach my hand up and touch his cheek. He grabs my hand and kisses my finger tips before pulling it to his chest.

"You'll come home with me?" I ask.

"I'll go anywhere with you. Wherever you want to go. I'll give you my world."

My heart melts and I move in closer to him. He wraps his arms around me and I feel completely at peace. The calm waves on the shore is like white noise while our breathing clams my heart.

I feel myself relax more and more. He makes me feel safe and I want nothing more than to grow closer to him.

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