Chapter 9

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The breeze lifts my hair and throws it around behind me. I am determined to enjoy myself even if he is staring at me.

His blue eyes burrow into the back of my head but I try to ignore it. So long as I don't make him too angry, I should be fine right? Other than that, I don't care what he thinks. I'm going to make something good out of being stuck here.

Last night, he slept on the dock and I locked the cabin door. I am not cruel. I gave him a blanket and pillow. But I still wanted to feel safe so I had to lock the door and I wasn't comfortable with him being in the cabin while I'm vulnerable.

I tug on a rope and use it to lower myself onto the dock after I angle one of the sails away from the line as the line bends. I go to my note book and sit down so the wind won't make it too hard to draw more of my map. I mark off several reefs I have passed and where the water gets dark as it gets deep.

I stand up and watch as the ship slows down over another reef. The colors are so beautiful, I can't help but smile down at its beauty. An idea comes to mind and I turn to Atticus.

"Are there other creatures near by? Do you know if the waters are safe?"

He looks taken aback by how I suddenly spoke to him without hesitation. I smile to myself, glad that I made him feel something and change that emotionless stare.

"No. I won't let anything hurt you. It's safe."

I frown at his words. That again. I don't understand what he means but I shrug it off.

I pull the sails down so it won't move while I'm busy. I disappear into the cabin and go about getting ready. My heart races with excitement as I quickly dash out of the cabin and throw myself into the water.

It feels so good on my skin as I dive in. The reef is blurry but when I come above water, it still looks beautiful even if I can't see it perfectly. I hear fast footsteps and look to the boat. Atticus is standing at the railing and looks a bit panicked. His face calms when he sees that I am smiling up at him.

"That was funny" I say.

"It wasn't."

He stands there and watches me as I swim around. His face this time isn't emotionless and cold. I can almost see a tinge of amusement in his eyes.

I admire the reef for a while as little yellow and blue fish swim around my feet in curiosity. I guess this far out, not many boats or people have gone by here. I bet these fish haven't see a human before.

I move around the boat and they follow me, making me chuckle. I stick my head under the water and watch a few more fish approach my feet. These ones are different in color. They have orange and black stripes.

After a while of enjoying the fish, I swim to the boat and climb on to get my soaps and razor.

I stand on the edge of the boat and turn to Atticus who is still watching me.

"Can you please turn around?"

I will keep my suit on but it still makes me very uncomfortable with him constantly watching me.


Really? "Because I'm going to bathe and I don't want you watching."

I'm surprised as he turns his back to me without sighing or saying anything more. I smile to myself and start to bathe in the water.


I felt horrible for letting the female enter my territory. I felt her presence but decided to see what would happen. If the human was killed, then I wouldn't have to deal with a human mate.

I'm such an idiot. Of course the moment I heard her scream I came as fast as I could. I hate myself for letting her get hurt.

After I took care of the female, I decided to stay on the boat with the human to watch closer.

I started to regret it just a little when she tried to give me a stupid human name. It made me mad. But the more I'm on this boat, the more I am enjoying it.

She is so amusing. The awkwardness between us is only felt by her. I am enjoying feeling her emotions. I've been numb for so long that anything from her is satisfying.

Watching her swim and laugh is making me realize something. She is happy in these moments and I don't want her to feel anything but that. The anxiety from her was good but these happy feelings makes me feel alive.

Her hair and smile while she was sailing, the excitement I felt while she was in the cabin, her laughing while she is in the water.

I know she saw my small smile. She is trying to hide the fact that the change in my facial expressions is making her even happier. She has no idea that I can feel what she is feeling because of the bond between us. When she stared into my eyes I know she felt something but she doesn't know what.

When I turn my back to her as she bathes, I felt my face grow still again. Just facing away from her makes me feel empty again. I need to watch her or I'll lose those feelings I need so much. I know it's just the bond and I want to fight it. But there is something more to her. Something I can't get off my mind and I can't place it.

I hear her hum to herself as she enjoys the water behind me. My mind starts to wonder what she looks like right now. Would her suit be off? How much more skin is as pure and perfect as the skin on her face? I can still smell her intoxicating smell and it's making my head feel fuzzy.

I shake my head to try and get myself to think clearly again.

The biggest thing on my mind is the map. She thinks she can leave but the more I feel her emotions and watch her, the more I am determined to not let her leave. She doesn't know I'm the one keeping her here.

She won't leave.

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