Chapter 15

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After getting all the trash I can on the island, I start to wade into the water.

The sand is soft under my feet, making me more confident with going into the water. I also know that as long as Atticus is with me, I'll be safe.

I trust him now and I have started to like that he watches me. It makes me feel protected and for some reason, more confident. Like I can do anything so long as he is around.

A few pieces of trash is floating in the water while others is caught on rocks. I am startled when I hear someone walking in the water next to me. I turn to see Atticus walking into the water and picking up some trash too.

He approaches me with a bag and holds it out. His eyes look like such a rich deep blue that I didn't even realize that I'm staring into them.

He is closer now as he holds out the bag to me. I don't take it. I'm too caught up by those eyes and the pull I feel towards him. Why do I feel this way?

I feel like I would jump into those blue pools and risk it all for him. Like nothing else matters. The thought that he is trying to hypnotize me comes to me but if he is I find myself not caring.

I slowly look down when I feel the bag touch my hand. He is slowly sliding it into my hand but with little focus. His focus is on my face and he seems like he is as much in a trance as I am.

I would have flinched a few days ago. I would have gotten uncomfortable and pulled away. But right now, I don't want to as he reaches his hand up to my jaw and slide his thumb along it.

I feel so relaxed when he touches me and I don't want to pull away from him.

Suddenly, we both feel snapped out of the trance. I didn't even realize how close he is. Our toes are almost touching and even though his shoulders are at my eye level, our faces are close.

He steps away and I can't help but feel bad. Bad because I know I have begun to fall for him and those deep pools of blue.

After I have gotten the trash in the water and had taken a walk around the island to make sure I got it all, I headed back to my boat. Anything salvageable, I laid out to dry or put away. Anything not usable, I put in the cabin in bags.

I also went around the boat and put everything back the way it should be. The biggest struggle will be detangling the rope and sewing the holes in the sails.

As I am putting things away, I stand up to watch Atticus jump into the water and shift into his other form. This version of him gives me chills but not as much as it used to. He looks elegant and powerful in the water. His tail is a lighter and more inviting color than the others.

To my surprise, he comes out of the water with some fruit that must have gone overboard. I look away from his naked form and turn back when I hear another splash. He goes back into the water and shifts again. I watch him swim some distance away but not out of sight. I start to feel a bit cold knowing that he is so far.

What is wrong with me? Why would I feel this way about Atticus? Maybe I'm going insane or coming down with Stockholm syndrome.

He comes back and this time with two large fish. I turn as he puts on his shorts and look back to see him looking at me with a smile.

"I got us dinner" he says with a smile. Water is dripping from his brown hair and he looks really good with a layer of water on him, trickling down his abs.

My cheeks heat up but from this distance, he probably can't see. I smile at him and wave him over. I go to see if maybe the stove will turn on. Unfortunately, it does not. Looks like it will be over a fire today.

I clean the fish as he watches in fascination.

"Have you done this before" I ask.

"No, in my other form I just eat it. And when I lived with humans, I never had to do it."

"What do you mean? You haven't been here the whole time?"

He shakes his head. "No." He is silent for a moment before continuing. I was hoping to learn more about him but he changed the subject. "Do you have siblings?"

I'm a bit taken aback by his question. He wants to know about me. "I do. An older brother named Joseph. He now owns the sail boat business."

"You guys own a business?"

I nod. "Yes. It was my fathers but... now Joseph owns it."

"Was?" I was hoping he wouldn't say that. But he looks at me innocently as if he has no clue what I could have meant.

"Um, he passed about a week ago. The day I arrived was the same day of his funeral."

"Oh, I'm sorry. What was his name?"

"Jack Irey. My mom's name was Alyssa Irey. She died when I was 4. My dad was really torn up by her death and my brother kept us together as a family."

"I would imagine after losing your mate."

"Your what" I asked.

"Nothing. I'll explain another time. Tell me more" he smiles. He really seems interested in my life.

I realized then just how perfect his smile is. It makes his blue eyes shine brighter to almost a navy blue.

I found myself falling for him more and telling him more about myself.

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