10. Baby, This Is Paradise

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FF A few weeks >> July 12


The San Diego sun was beaming in through the blowing white curtains covering the patio door, I opened one eye, squinting it slightly, as the sun was not being my friend today.

I turned on my back and brought the heel of my hands to my eyes rubbing them enough to wake me up and open my eyes fully.

I removed the covers from my body and slung my legs off the bed to sit at the edge. I grabbed the hair tie on my nightstand and wrapped my hair up into a tight bun then got up to begin my day.

I quickly retrieved some shorts from the dresser and a tank top from the drawer underneath and settled into them.

Once freshened up I retreated downstairs and to my surprise I was greeted with a vase of flowers sitting on the counter with a card placed in front of them.

I smiled from ear to ear and grabbed the pink envelope and opened it, pulling out a letter.


Just a little something to begin your day of life,

You mean so much to me and I don't know where I'd be without you.

Today is your day babe,

There's $300 dollars in your jewelry box; go out and pamper yourself.

Meet back here at 6 to celebrate.

I love you so much.


P.S Happy Birthday Beautiful xoxo

I laughed to no one, obviously being alone in the house, and placed the card back on the counter then stared at the white roses again in adoration.

I shook my head then headed back up stairs to retrieve my phone.

When I made it to my phone I noticed it was already buzzing with text messages and a phone call coming in from Spencer.

"Hello." I answer while going outside to sit on the patio seat.

"Happy birthday beautiful!" She shouts making me pull the phone away from my ear for a second.

"Thank you!" I giggle

"What's the plan this afternoon?" She questions.

"How about lunch, and then get our nails done?" I ask lifting up my hand to inspect my finger nails.

"Sounds like a plan chica, let me get dressed and then I'll go pick you up." We both say our goodbyes and hang up.

I head to my room and rummage through my many clothes and grab something reasonable then change into them.

I head into the bathroom and begin my makeup, doing eyeliner on my top and bottom lids adding mascara to give them the full effect, making my blue eyes pop. I then finishing my look off with red lipstick of course making them stand out on my light skin.

I run a brush through my hair letting my natural curls fall closely around my face then exit the bathroom.

I go to my jewelry box and open it up to reveal a gift card with a sticky note attached to it.

Have fun ;)

I peel the note off and place the card into my wallet then descend down the stairs to grab my purse.

A knock on the door breaks the silence; I run to the door and open it up to see Spencer standing there with a huge smile spread across her face.

"Hey! Let me just grab my keys and we can go." I say going to grab my keys on the counter.

Then There's Faith In Love (Jaime Preciado Fanfic) *Book One*Where stories live. Discover now