19. Believe You Me

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"So she just sent him a gift and it just so happened to be a Rolex?" Alysha says running a hand through her hair, while the other was wrapped securely around Franklin's leash.

"Yeah, and it wasn't just any Rolex. It was extremely nice and must've cost a good twenty thousand dollars." I say explaining to her what happened on Christmas day.

"Well, don't let it get to you Rae, she's just trying to get under your skin and by you over thinking it and getting upset about it, she's winning and you can't let her win."

"I know, and I try not to but she just irritates me."

Alysha chuckles and throws her arm around my shoulder bringing me into a side hug, "I know, but hey look at it this way, you've got him now, and that's all that matters."

I nod my head in agreement and watch Max run in the sand with Franklin. "You're right."

"Plus Mike told me about the guitar you got him that was signed by Rex Brown, I'm sure he loved that." She says letting go of me and sitting down in the sand getting me to mirror her action and take a seat next to her.

"Yeah he freaked out, I'm glad he liked it." I smile.

Alysha and I laugh at our dogs playing around in the sand chasing each other's tails and acting like toddlers.

"We've gotta have more doggy play dates, and bring Danielle and Weiner." Alysha suggests.

"That would be fun; I think Max would love that." I chuckle watching our "children" play.

"Spencer really needs a dog." Alysha says.

"She'll probably have a cat before she gets a dog. I don't know if that will work out with these boys." I say pointing to the dogs.

"Yeah that probably won't be a pretty picture." She laughs, probably thinking of a crazy scenario in her head.

Alysha checks her phone then looks toward me, "We should probably head back, we're going out to dinner with Mike's parents."

We call our dogs and hook their leashes back on and walk the short distance to the house seeing the guys standing by the door talking.

"How'd they get along?" Mike asks, referring to the two dogs that seem to be best friends now.

"They seem to have gotten along pretty well." Alysha says with a smile.

"They were chasing each other around the beach; I think they'll be the best of friends." I say looking down at Max who's sitting with his tongue hanging out.

"Well we should head out, gonna have dinner with Mom and Pop tonight at Vic and Danielle's." Mike says giving Jaime a bro hug then coming to hug me gently.

We say our goodbyes and watch as they drive off, then take Max inside who goes straight for his water bowl.

"So what do you wanna do now?" I ask Jaime who seems to be in deep thought.

"I don't know why, but I have this strange urge of wanting to perform." He says with a questioning look.

"Well how will you perform?" I ask equally questionable.

"Maybe a small acoustic show, for some fans by the boardwalk?"

"How, without Vic and the other guys?"

"Well I can perform some of my solo songs, and I'll sing some PTV songs too, I'll just tell Vic." He explains out, but mostly to himself.

"Just you?" I ask.

"Well I can ask Tony to come with me; we don't necessarily need Vic and Mike."

I shrug my shoulders and agree, "Then let's do it."

Then There's Faith In Love (Jaime Preciado Fanfic) *Book One*Where stories live. Discover now