23. Thinking Out Loud

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Entry 57: February 11, 2015

It had been a total of two weeks since Jaime and I had that moment where we were both a bit confused, I don't know what happened but that next morning he blew up my phone with text messages saying how much he loved me and how he needed me in his life. That itself was enough for me to stop being upset about the whole ordeal and just be happy that I have him in my life.

We ended up talking it out and realized that as much as we want to talk to each other all the time he's busy, and with my new job I get busy too. But he still manages to text me every now and again through the day just to say something goofy like a joke or cheesy pick up line.

I guess our relationship is still so new, especially with the touring, we have those moments of just wanting to be around each other, if that makes sense. If not oh well I understand it.

But I guess I should be going, gotta go pack for Massachusetts!

Arianna Rae

I got off the bed and placed the journal back into my drawer then began packing my large sized suitcase with enough clothes for four days, and maybe some extras just in case, because you can never be so sure.

The girls and I decided it would be a good idea to surprise the guys in Massachusetts for Valentine's Day Saturday, and I couldn't be any more excited. I needed to see Jaime, it isn't just I miss him anymore, it's I need him.

After everything that happened two weeks ago all I want to do is hug and kiss him and tell him how much I love him, in person.

I finished piling clothes into the suitcase and laid out what I was going to where during the flight on the chair across the room then began packing my toiletries into a separate duffle bag, it's so tough being a girl sometimes.

I finished then realized it was time to take Max over to Austin's house for the next few days, knowing I'm leaving him in good hands.

When we decided that were definitely going to surprise the guys I sent a group text between Austin, Chris and I telling them the details and leaving it up to them to decide who got to dog sit Max, which resulted in Austin winning.

I packed up Max's bowls, toys and bed then drove over to Austin's with Max crawling everywhere in the car out of excitement.

I pulled up to the town home and walked up to the door with Max following me closely.

"Hey!" Austin shouts answering the door.

"I brought your favorite dog." I say in a sing song tone.

"Yes! I've been waiting for this; I'm so excited to have a dog around." He exclaims picking Max up and curling him into his arms.

"Well have fun, this is all his stuff, food, toys et cetra." I say placing the bag of things on his black leather couch.

"So when are you coming back?"

"I'll be flying back in on Sunday, I should be here around three maybe? Then I'll come pick him up." I explain.

"Sounds like a plan; I'll call and let you know if anything is needed." He smiles while scratching Max's head.

I place a kiss on Max's head and walk out the door and back home to where all my friends are waiting to stay the night.


We woke up deathly early this morning, and may I remind you I'm not a morning person what so ever, so I was a bit on the cranky side.

"Does everyone have everything?" Spencer asks as we each file out of the house.

Then There's Faith In Love (Jaime Preciado Fanfic) *Book One*Where stories live. Discover now