Adonis's death

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We walk around the island and we see a zombie on another island nearby. I am holding a heavy box and Adonis is closest to me. I throw the box at Adonis and he stumbles back and falls into the water. Clarissa runs to help him since he can't swim but she is to late. By the time Clarissa reaches him he is already under the water. Dead. I walk farther across the water and I see a person on our sister island. I call to her "HELLO!" I scream but she doesn't hear. I call again and this time and she looks. "HELLO CAN YOU SWIM?" I question her ability because she is scrawny and looks unable. She calls back to me saying yes. She jumps in the water and swims to our island. I help her up onto our land and she says that everyone she new is gone. I welcome her to our survival group. She tells me her name is Riley. I laugh and tell her that we have a boy Riley. She laughs and follows me to the others. As Riley and I walk back to base we laugh and smile. When we get there Corbin puts a gun up to Riley's head. "State your name and your business here" he said. I tell him that she is in our group and that her name is Riley. Everybody looks at her and then at me. "We just lost Adonis so we could use another person." Riley looks at Riley. "You will be in the same room as Clarissa and if you do one thing wrong and Corbin will pull the trigger on you." I chuckle as he finishes. We walk back to the cabin and Clarissa is crying. Riley turns around and smacks her in the face. "DO YOU WANT TO KILL US ALL!!!! I CAN TAKE YOU OUT IN ONE BULLET SO DON'T CRY!! HE WAS A STUPID BOY!" Clarissa shuts up and keeps walking.

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