Ruthless Killing

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Sejal was happy for Riddhima.She said "Today you have chance !! Don't waste it" & winked at Riddhu.Riddhima nodded happily.

Soon after..a man walked towards her with a gift & a letter.She opened the reads "Wear this dress & help me to increase the glow of dinner party".

Riddhu told Sejal that she needs to go home early today.Sejal wished Riddhu luck & Riddhu went away.


"Sir..sir what are you saying".The waiter was shocked to the core.Vansh let his smoke go from the cigarette & said coldly "Seems,you wish a horrible death".

          The waiter kneeled down in front of Vansh & begged for his life."Only 10 seconds are left..admit your crime or drink the bullets"Vansh told coldly.

       The waiter knew what Vansh was referring to.But still stammering he asked "'m sorry sir,I'm not getting"

Vansh started counting backwards without paying heed to the words of the waiter..The waiter sweated horribly.

When Vansh counted '5' the waiter immediately bowed his head to Vansh's feet & weeping..he said "I admit..I did wrong.I'm willing to speak the truth..please don't kill me my God". Vansh smirked.


Riddhima was getting ready.She looked stunningly gorgeous in the red gown which revealed her neck area in both the sides.

She was fixing her bracelet & necklace looking at the mirror when suddenly her eyes went on the locket that she was wearing.

It was precious to her.She thought very soon she will write the name of Kabir too in the locket.She smiled at the thought & walked towards her destination.


"Sir..I..I mean Mr.inspector Mohan from Mumbai police told me to spy on you" And I worked here to collect information against you.Vansh smirked and sarcastically said "You referred me God..then too you chose to spy on me..what do you think should me the punishment for your crime?"

  The waiter now was hell scared and more sweats & tears began to appear on his face.He begged for mercy.Vansh bent from his seat..his beautiful hand rested on one of the shoulder's of the waiter which made him rise.

Vansh fiercely stared at him & said "I acknowledge you got bored with your life so you choose to spy on me"..before the waiter could say anything..Vansh instantly took the gun from his pocket and shot at the waiter's forehead..3 bullets passed through him.

The bloods spilled all over the area near to the waiter.

Vansh put his gun back and added "To my best of knowledge some sharks has been roaming here from the past weeks..they must be hungry..feed this waiter to them".

He stood up & went to his hotel.

The men swallowed their saliva after hearing their God's order..Their boss was this much ruthless..but they were not left with any other choice then following their God's order.


Riddhu waited down at their building & waited..after a while she saw a Mercedes approaching her.

She was was Kabir's.Kabir came down from his seat & when he looked at her..he was stunned.Yes,she was looking so stunning.

He was stunned but then he realized his position & came near to Riddhima.He was hell proud that he loved this woman.

He remarked "You are looking so stunning girl !! ". Riddhima blushed & told him "Thanks".

He said "your beauty can delay my party". Both laughed hard.He said "Let's go" .Riddhu nodded.They walked to the car.He made Riddhima seat on his car.Riddhima was happy as well as nervous as she sat on the front seat with Kabir's.

Kabir sat & started driving.Riddhu was at thought of something when kabir realized that & asked "Ms.Saikia why are looking so there anything that you wanna say?"

Riddhu nervously said "ah..yeah..I was thinking that you always go with a driver.I never saw you driving.But today you came driving by your own".

Kabir too got stunned at her answer..he too got nervous inside that how would he say her that he loves her and he wanted to make her feel special so he drove for her.

He laughed & made an excuse "ah yes your observation is right but I wanted that no body disturbs & come between us so I drove myself". Riddhu too joined him laughing.

But both of them realized something.Kabir thought "was this excuse good..I told her I don't want anyone between us."

Riddhu thought..he said "I don't want anyone between us" does this mean that he likes her.She thought god this feeling of him loving her & vice versa is getting too much..she needs to confess soon otherwise she would get insane..predicating.

Both of them went silent.Riddhu opened the glass & breathed the fresh air.Kabir smiled looking at her.


"Boss everything that you said is settled" said Angre.

"Good" said Vansh while walking towards his room in the hotel speaking on the phone.

"When are you going to show your face boss..I mean Mumbai seems missing you should come back soon". Angre told proudly.

"Just one meeting more Angre.I guess tomorrow is the only day I would spent here then I would fly to my kingdom" Vansh said smirking.

"We are waiting for you boss..come soon" said Angre happily.

"Hmm" saying this Vansh cut the call.


They arrived at the location.Riddhu was stunned coz this dinner party was on the beach.She looked so happy.


OK done with this chapter.Please like..follow..share...comment..and add to your library if you are liking the story

I would soon start another story so stay tuned 😉😉..

Love & hugs to all ❤

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