Haldi Ceremony

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She woke up stretching out her hands & yawning but a pair of strong arms didn't let her leave from the owner of the hands she turned & saw a beautiful face sleeping next to her peacefully,seeing his face a small smile crept into her lips.

She startled when she saw Vansh opening his eyes & looking straight into her eyes locking her self to him.She realized how yesterday she slept & didn't bothered to get up & see whether he came but now he was here,he was sleeping next to her.

"Slept well?" Vansh asked caressing her cheeks,she nodded her head lightly.He smiled & getting up to her,caging her body by his,he locked his lips with her ones.

The heat coming from his body provided her warmth & an invisible sense of care.When his lips brushed with her ones,she blushed hard but somewhere still she wasn't able to accept that she was getting married to Vansh ,some part of her heart still crave for Kabir.

When this thought strucked her,she instantly pulled away Vansh from her.Vansh startled & then frowned,he came near to her face & tightly gripped her chin "How dare you to pull me away?" He muttered angrily & kissed hard savoring her mouth.She tried to stop but as his tongue entered inside her,all her sensible thoughts gave in & she moaned.

A knock on the door made them come out from their zone & Vansh growled.Getting up from the bed he was to yell at the intruder but stopped when he saw Ms.DSouza "You here?" He asked surprised. "I have something important to tell you.Can you please come Vansh Baba?" She asked politely.

"Sure just give me two minutes" he said & nodding she went away.He came back to her & kissed her "I have to go.I have an important thing to do but yeah" he took her gentle hands into his rough & warm ones "get ready for me like Vansh RaiSinghania's bride" he kissed her forehead & wearing a coat got out from the room.

"Tell me what happened" Vansh inquired Ms.DSouza getting into one corner of the Mansion.She took out her phone & showed a message to him .



I know what happened yesterday & what's going on in the underworld right now.But Vansh you need to focus on your one beautiful phase of your life that is your wedding.Coz now I will enter the warzone & you know that I won't be harmed so now you completely enjoy your life,leave this week's works on me.I will handle it & yeah wish you a very happy week.I hope everyone will be happily staying there.



"Anonymous?" He asked while Ms. DSouza nodded.He smiled & said " You get my bride prepared she shouldn't be deprived of any thing" he spoke in authoritative tone. "Vansh Baba I have something more to tell you" Ms.DSouza reasoned
Vansh turned to her "What?"

"Actually you two people should live in separate rooms from now till marriage,its a ritual" Vansh frowned "I can't live without her so its not happening" he denied like a small baby. "Vansh its not me who is saying to you to do this,its the anonymous"s order"she said & he growled in frustration.

"Are you ready now?" Ms.DSouza teased him "Who can go against anonymous? Even I can't but seriously after listening to this order I'm feeling like I'm gonna marry her right now so that we don't have to live separately for a single night alone" he said like a small child while Ms.DSouza chuckled "A single night alone huh?" she teased but as Vansh looked seriously towards her she stopped getting on his nerves & excused herself saying she has some work to do.

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