Quality Time

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"This is your room Ms.Saikia & if you need anything just inform Acely" Vansh said

"Thanks" Riddhima said in an extremely low voice & she was scared to hell.

"Ms.Saikia let me tell you one more thing now itself because I don't want you to get panic attack just like you was going to get a while ago" Vansh chuckled

"Now what is that ?" Riddhima questioned.

"Well !" He let out a sigh."Tomorrow you & others will spend the day here in the cruise.This has been one of the best cruise I own & I want the people to enjoy every bit of it"

Vansh dangerously came near to Riddhima "especially the people of Wanderer company" he said.

Riddhima was shocked to hear the information passed to her,that she will have to spend the day here but after hearing the reason from Vansh she didn't said anything further,after all she has no authority to say anything to him.She was just an employee in a company.

She stood there, Vansh's figure was towering over her.The tension in the air grew more.She was already scared so she thought to get out of the situation soon.

"Thanks Mr.RaiSinghania I'm departing to my room then.Good night take care" saying this she turned hurriedly & closed the door

Vansh stood there.He smirked seeing the fear in her eyes.He admit he wanted to see only love in her eyes for him but he also knew to let it happen she had to fear.

He came close to her door & touch the door which she closed.His obsession was getting stronger & stronger, it would only calm down when she will submit herself totally to him.And she will do it soon,thinking this Vansh left the place to his room.

Riddhima sighed relief after she came inside the room.She feel suffocated whenever Vansh came nearer to her as if oxygen never works in the fear of him.

She took some deep breaths,closed her eyes for some seconds then opened to adjust herself to the room.

She opened the wardrobe there were beautiful dresses kept there.She picked up one & went to bathroom.To her surprise,the clothes were perfectly fitting on her,as if somebody already knew the size of her clothes.

She gulped in fear but shrugged off after some minutes thinking that its easy for someone to know her size or maybe she is over thinking

If only she knew what was going on in her back.

The day was too hectic for her & the soft pillow & the bed was so soothing that she immediately felt asleep as soon as her head touched the pillow.

Meanwhile, Vansh wasn't able to erase the memories he spent with her today.Every second he spent with her was like,got sculptured in his mind.

He laid on his side of bed but the emptiness on the other side of his bed was not making him feel good but at the thought that he soon will have someone to cuddle with,formed a smile on his lips.He closed his eyes imagining her on the other side of his bed.

He closed his eyes imagining her on the other side of his bed

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Mafia's Obsession [Fiery] Part IWhere stories live. Discover now