A New Hope

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"Mr.RaiSinghania I'm glad to be one of your associates" Mr.Mehra Said who deals with emeralds illegally.

Mehra Said who deals with emeralds illegally

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"We too are glad isn't it Vansh?" Said the person with whom Vansh talked in phone.

Vansh looked at the person & smirked

Vansh looked at the person & smirked

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"The emeralds worth is 450 crores when will the deal take place?" Said Mr.Mehra

"450 crores ! I feel this is too costly.We're willing to pay the price in 400 crores, rest will be the decision of yours" said the person

"Are you kidding. Its fixed price is 450 crores.We can't accept lower price than this"

The person looked at Vansh & hinted something with its eyes

Vansh smirked & stood up,he roamed around Mr.Mehra & told him "I guess you are aware of my business & me, still you dared to deny our one order but no worries"

Mr.Mehra sweated

"Your children,aren't they in school right now & your wife at office what if something happens to them" Vansh grinned.

Mr.Mehra got up & said "What rubbish ! Its our work.The price is fixed & see the emeralds are worthy enough"

"So what ? We're paying you in 400 crores right!" The person said

The person took out its phone & said "see this then decide what you gonna say next"

Mr.Mehra saw his family being abducted & they are crying helplessly in the video

"Ok fine deal fixed in 400 crores" Mr.Mehra said panicking.

"Wise choice" the person said.

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