Futile Escape

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She flinched when those words left his mouth.

"I see you are very scared sweetheart" he said trailing his fingers over her shoulders,her body was getting numb

The strong cologne of his,hit hard her nose,she was getting swooned by him.She was a stubborn being & wasn't going to give up easily.She hated how her body reacted to his touch but to stop this further she spoke

"Don't touch me !" she got up from the chair

Vansh walked to her & said "Every disobedience shown to me, has a punishment sweetheart & you will receive one now"

Riddhima was scared now before she could say anything she was grabbed by her hands & was next sitting on his lap "Now eat sweetheart" Vansh said

"Let me go & I won't eat with you" she said angrily

"You don't want Kabir to go hungry tonight,do you" he asked dangerously

Riddhima hated the threat that she gets from him.

Vansh took some nibbles of food in a spoon & directed towards her,she made her face & looked other way.

"Sweetheart ! Remember what happened today's morning,if you don't eat you will end up in bed with me tomorrow" he said

Her cheeks flushed red at his words,not ready to take any risk more she opened her mouth & ate after their dinner Riddhima went to her room whereas it was getting difficult for Vansh to sleep in his room alone where his queen slept at the other one.

Reluctantly he too went to bed & was happy thinking about the events that he is going to share with his Riddhima tomorrow


"What do you mean you're not getting information against him?" Mr.Mohan spatted angrily

"Its impossible to catch him"the spy said

"Fine I will go to meet him tomorrow then" saying this Mr.Mohan stormed out of his office.

"I will wait for you here lets see if your luck is good enough" the spy said forming a dangerous smile.


"Madam can I come in" she heard somebody calling her,she opened her eyes little & replied in a sleepy voice "come in"

As expected there was Amara,holding some neat white dress.

"Why are you here in this hour? I mean its so early in the morning" Riddhima asked

Amara smiled & said "I know Madam but Master ordered so I came.He said that he wants to take you to shopping today so he sent this dress so that you can change yourself into it"

"Shopping?" she asked confusedly

"Yes Madam" she said & kept the dress in the wardrobe

"I may leave now Madam I have to prepare breakfast" saying this Amara left

Riddhima got up & sat "Well this is a good opportunity.I can run away from him.People around the mall will surely help me" at the thought she smiled widely.She was so happy to go out.

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