You're Mine

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"V-Vansh please leave my hand" Riddhima said crying

"Where are you taking me Vansh?" She asked again

Vansh took her to the dining table & made her seat on the chair "Amara" he yelled in anger.His eyes were red & he was breathing heavily

In no time ,she stood in front of him "Get the god damn it food,here right now" he ordered yelling. Amara found her whole body shaking like she was experiencing an earthquake,she wasted no time & walked towards the kitchen in fast pace.

Vansh snapped his eyes towards Riddhima, she was sobbing,low voices were coming out from her mouth & she was hicupping.

Vansh walked towards her he bent near her his eyes matching to her eye level,his one hand on the table & the another one on her chair trapping her from one side. She was crying more now.

He took his handkerchief out & served her "Take this damn handkerchief  & rub your tears right now" his fiery words were spitting anger.

Riddhima didn't dared to disobey him she took the handkerchief from the table,her hands were shaking slightly then she rubbed her eyes

Meanwhile Amara came & bought the food with the other servants "Place the food fast on the table & leave now" he spoke dangerously

Amara & the other servants nodded & directly went from there after serving the food on the table

He took the plate & placed in front of her "Eat Riddhima"

"V-Vansh I don't have appetite.I-I'm not hungry" she said with fears on her eyes

"Eat Riddhima" he repeated more dangerously


"I said eat" He said dangerously his hands landed on the dining table strongly.Now she was crying into oblivion

"Oh so you won't stop crying isn't it? Is it because you saw me killing?Is it because you know now that I'm a murderer? Now you abhor me right?" he said with those murderous eyes penetrating into her eyes

"Y-You lied to me.You didn't told me that you kill" she said gathering some courage

Vansh bent more towards her ,their eyes just inches apart "Didn't I told you that I'm a mafia? Didn't I told you that I hail from a mafia family?Did I told you that I don't kill anybody?" he spoke logically

Riddhima realized her mistake when she heard those questions from him 'yes he did told you that he is mafia ,he did told you that he hail from a mafia family,yes he didn't told that he doesn't kill' her subconcious mind spoke

Then only she felt her mistake,of her own way of thinking 'but then what? it doesn't justify his killing & murdering people' she asked her subconscious mind

Her subconscious mind smirked at her & told her 'if you don't know about the lives of mafia then its your fault not his also if you didn't knew about him then from what base did you weave false assumptions about him that he told you that he doesn't kill?'

"I'm asking you some questions Ms.Saikia will you reply now?" he asked

"That doesn't justify your killings" she glared at him because she was no longer afraid, she felt ashamed of her own assumptions at a while so she didn't dared to cry anymore

Mafia's Obsession [Fiery] Part IWhere stories live. Discover now