Time To MEET

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Everyone was eagerly waiting for his announcement

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Everyone was eagerly waiting for his announcement.

Just as Vansh was going to say something he saw a figure appearing at the main door that figure was of a female.But as only the lights were focused on him & the rest were off..he didn't saw her.

The figure walked to the crowd of people and disappeared.

Vansh then came back to his senses & announced "I know you all are eagerly waiting for the announcement while the first reason of this party is my arrival & the second one is (smirking) Mr.Malhotra's company will be working under me now"

This news was enough for Kabir to get the biggest shock of his life.He was dumbfounded by the announcement.Even the people working under Wanderer's company were shocked by now.People began to murmur.

Vansh was happy to see that

Riddhu was walking to the crowd to find her friends after receiving the call at the gate..as she walked she heard a sexy voice making an announcement.She was shocked hearing that & started to see who made this announcement but due to crowd she was unable to see

"Enjoy the party everyone" Vansh winked & walked upstairs.

Well Kabir was still not recovered from the shock, he decided to talk to Vansh.He too walked upstairs but he was stopped by Angre

"Let me go..I wanna meet Mr.RaiSinghania" yelled Kabir.

"See this is not your company but outhouse of Mr.RaiSinghania..think before you speak...if you don't want your one organ to get out of your body then behave respectfully..& wait till I ask the permission of letting you to meet my boss" said Angre.

Kabir controlled his anger.

Angre went to side & made a call after few minutes he cut the call & came back to Kabir "you are allowed to go but behave respectfully in front of boss otherwise consequences won't be good" Angre warned.

Kabir stomped his feet to upstairs.He then saw Vansh..who was holding a glass of wine & observing the people from upstairs.

"Mr.Vansh what did you announced there.I don't even know you then why did you do this" Kabir asked

No answers came.

"Mr.RaiSinghania I'm talking to you why did you do this" Kabir asked angrily this time.

Vansh turned back with a cold & calm face..without any emotion on his face..on his eyes which was his usual behavior

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