Game Plan !!

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"The person whom we adore is actually......."

"Devil !!" Aryan cut Sejal in between her words

"I can't believe that.I mean how" Ishani asked gobsmacked

"He is the most cunning & manipulative person I have ever seen" Kabir said clenching his jaw.

"No worries.He has done many things earlier but we won't allow him to do more now" Aryan said fire burning in his eyes.

"Yes we won't.I actually adored him but if dared to cage our Ridz we won't stop rebelling" Sejal said,determination sparked in her eyes


"Enough Ishani.Is your fangirling important or your friend" Aryan huffed in annoyance

"I understand but how dare he to break my dreams" she sobbed "I loved him dearly but he didn't even acknowledge me" she sighed

"Sometimes things doesn't go our way.Trust me Ishani you will surely get someone but don't join your dreams with him.He knows & grows in blood & death" Aryan explained her calmly

Ishani nodded & burried her head in Aryan's chest to seek warmth

"Ok guys.We can't waste more time.We need to think of her.Can we all make plans for her" Sejal asked

Everything was on surface except Kabir's emotions.Only he knew what was happening deep inside him.He was burning with love,hatred,jealousy,revenge.Everything that could destroy the name Vansh was roaming around his head like a robot toy without remote control.

"Yes guys !! What are we going to do next" Aryan said making everyone's attention turn towards him.

Kabir snapped out from his thoughts "First of all,forget about getting help from others because out of 2 persons in this world,1 would be that person who works for him & its impossible to storm towards his Mansion & rescue Riddhima because its nearly impossible to get under the mansion"

"Then what do we do now?" Sejal asked

"Game plan!" Aryan said

Everyone looked at him once again with confusions running around their heads


"Game plan" Riddhima spoke with determination looking at her refection in the mirror,brushing her hair

"You took my freedom.You caged me here & made my love suffer.Now you will know Mr.Vansh what is called the art of manipulation" her eyes were filled with hatred & fire

"They say love is double edged sword.If it can become strength then it can be our weakness too" her eyes hold determination "& now I will make you pay your share Mr.Vansh RaiSinghania.You have created enough havoc in my life.Now its my turn.I will make you fall in the love trap & then I will escape this prison" her eyes were screaming revenge

Just then she got up,smirked at her plan & started moving towards dining room.


"See Vansh !! Listen carefully those Armenians are playing dangerous games.They will make relations with those Russians if we won't make our move fast.So we will have to establish our communications properly so that we become their ally" the person at the other end of the call warned him

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