Chapter 6 | Goodbye.

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TW: Angst/Death 

George was still asleep, it was around 9:47am. He had been woken from a phone call. The phone rang loudly on his bed side table as he rolled over to the side, stiffly. He grunted and picked up the phone to answer. 


"Hi, is this George Davidson?" 

He was confused, "Yes?" 

"Hi George, your mother had a seizure last night and she was rushed to the hospital. She is asking to see you. She is awake. For now." 

His heart dropped.

"What?- I'll be right there!" 

He hung up so fast he didn't give the operator a chance to say anything. He sprinted out of bed, throwing clean clothes on and not even stopping to get any breakfast. He rushed to the hospital, memories floated around in his head, keeping him company. 

(George was around 10-12 years old in this part)

"Mum!" George laughed as his mother tickled him, giving him a laugh. They were playing in the bonus room together. George ran down stairs, squealing from adrenaline, his mother had revved him up. He ran straight down to the basement where all his toys sit, cluttered on the carpet flooring. 

"I got you!" HIs mother cradled him, giggling. 

George's smile lit up the room, his mother loved that. She placed the laughing boy on the couch and walked over to the karaoke. She grabbed a microphone and turned to George who sat on the soft fabric of the couch, head cocked to the side. 

"What's that?" He asked with confusion that sat upon his face. 

"It's karaoke! Wanna try?" Her eyes sparkled, smile big. 

He nodded no in a small movement making George's mum step over to him, picking him up and forcing him to try it. 

"Wait, I need the ipad, i'll be right back." She hurried up the stairs. 

George examined the machine which was a pitch black block with a massive speaker built into the middle, buttons sat nicely on an even platform also built into the machine. The microphone's wires looped in a circle, they connected to the machine. 

"Okay, i'm back." She placed the ipad into the little slot holder. 

"What song are we doing?"George was a smart kid, he always could look at something and then immediately tell what it was. 

"You little bugger, I was gonna turn on a song, hoping you'd be surprised! But nope, you're too smart I guess. The song can be a surprise." 

"Are we doing 'I can hear music' by the Beach Boys?"  She stopped what she was doing and turned to him. 

If you want to listen to the song, whilst reading, its called 'I can hear music' by the Beach Boys. 

"Oh George, you know me so well." She winked at him, ruffling his hair which he quickly swiped to the side, re-forming it back. He giggled and music started playing. She picked up a microphone and started singing. 

"This is the way
I always dreamed it would be,
the way that it is, oh oh!
When you are holding me
I never had a love of my own.
Maybe that's why when we're all alone!" Her voice was beautiful, no one could deny that. 

George picked up a microphone and started singing. He knew the course well because his mother would dance around the kitchen, blasting the song. It was her favourite. 

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