Authors Note and Copyright Notice

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Disclaimer. This story 'Out of Tune' (Title subject to change) including all characters, teasers, are copyrighted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

All rights are reserved by the owner and creator of this work @DelaneyBrenna (Username subject to change) manipulation, infringement of copyright. Any infringement of this copyright is punishable by Law.

To my readers,

Thank you for picking up this book to read. I hope that you'll enjoy it.

To those who are new to Out of Tune, welcome! To those who have read it before, welcome back!

If you are a fan of mine who has read this book before, you may have remembered that I was going to replace this book with an entirely NEW copy. If you're reading this note, that means that the new copy is now being published on Wattpad. 

There have been some very big changes to the story. For those of you who have read OOT before, you may recall that the lead female character was named Aileen Prince. While I loved this name, I had a few people point out to me over the years that it had a major resemblance to a name by JK Rowling in the Harry Potter series. This was purely accidental (I'm a big Potter fan and the name likely got stuck somewhere in the back of my mind), but I felt that it was necessary to change the name nonetheless.

This book has also switched from first person to third-person perspective and I've tried to bring a bit more diversity to my characters. 

I am so grateful to everyone who is taking the time to read the new version of this book. I hope that you'll enjoy it as much as I do.


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