6: Johnnie

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My wound wasn't terrible, so the stitches were taken out within a week. They left an ugly scar. This time, I went to get them taken out alone. I loved Jake's company, but I was sick of asking him to be around all of the time. He was seemingly the only person I ever talked to anymore, and that's a little bit scary to think about. I was glad to be able to work on music again. That would be a distraction for my loneliness. 

Instead of doing that though, I locked myself in my room and went right back to playing the video games that I'd been playing for the last week. I was in a funk. 

I was out taking both of my dogs for a walk when someone approached me. "I know you from somewhere," She said. She snapped her fingers. "You were in a movie, right?"

I almost laughed. "Sorry. I think you have me confused for someone else." 

She frowned and pushed her brown bangs out of her eyes. "Oh, that's too bad. I could've sworn you were him. Sorry to bother you then," She started to walk away, telling herself that she was an idiot. That she knew it wasn't me. 

"I always thought I'd be a movie star before you," Someone said behind me. I jumped at the sound of his voice. "Nice to see you again, Johnnie."

"Jordan," I gasped, putting my hand to my chest like that would slow my accelerating heart rate. "What're you doing here?" 

"Jake told me about your hand. His expression of concern implied fatality." 

"His what?" 

"He made it seem like you were dying or something. How come you're all alone?" 

"Because I don't have anyone here? I mean, I'm not now. You showed up without warning. What's up with that? Why do people keep just showing up without saying anything first?" 

"I mean, I don't make announcements when I'm going to the grocery store," Jordan pointed out. "But to be fair, I was worried that if I told you, you wouldn't let me come. You'd probably make up an excuse or something to keep me out of your hair."

"Am I really that distant?"

"Lately. But never mind that. Let's talk about your obvious affection in a more-than-friends way for Jake."

"My what?" My eyebrows shot up. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Oh, come on. I've seen it all before, Johnnie. The injury may have been real, but you didn't honestly need for Jake to hold your hand during the whole process, did you?"

I was silent. "I don't owe you an explanation for that."

"I'm not asking for one. All I'm saying is that I'm a little disappointed."

"Disappointed? Why?"

"Because you're the gay movie star before I am!" He laughed. I rolled my eyes while he clapped his hand onto my shoulder. "I'm kidding! I'm kidding!" He assured me. "But also because you keep pushing him away. You're giving too many mixed signals. I taught you better than that."

"You didn't teach me shit," I mumbled.

"Cheer up, buttercup," He told me. "You've got company now." 

I left Jordan alone for five minutes. This was a huge mistake. He, very knowingly, got into my makeup. I don't know why he thought this was a good idea, nor do I honestly want to know. I entered my bedroom and saw him smudging eyeshadow over his eyelids with his finger. He looked back at me like a small child playing dress-up. "Hey, Johnnie!" He said cheerfully. "How bad is it? Tell me the truth." 

I shook my head at him. "What could've possibly possessed you to-? Why?!" 

"I don't know," He shrugged. "I got bored." 

"I left you for five minutes. You can't just go and wear my makeup!" 

"Okay, okay!" He raised his hands defensively. One of his fingers was covered in black powder, which looked so weird. "Can we discuss the elephant in the room then?" 

"I don't have a crush on Jake!" I insisted. "And even if I did, there's nothing that you can do about it, okay? We work together on a professional scale, it'd be wrong." 

"Then separate your relationships from your work. My God, Johnnie. Let yourself at least entertain the possibility."

"I've no reason to," I crossed my arms. "I don't feel that way about Jake anyways." 

"Oh come on!" Jordan pleaded desperately. "You can't seriously believe that! It's written all over your face. Why else would you need unnecessary company?" 

"I couldn't drive myself to the hospital." 

"Fine. But he brought you cookies. Cookies. That has to mean something. Doesn't it?" 

"It was a coincidence," I explained. "It didn't mean anything." 

"Fine. I'll persuade the other side," He muttered. He ran his fingers through his hair and rubbed one of his eyelids, smudging the makeup even worse. Now his nose was black. I snorted. He looked too ridiculous for me to even worry about what he'd said. 

A Foreign Love Song (Jake Bateman x Johnnie Guilbert)Where stories live. Discover now