Chapter 14

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The marble on my desk suddenly seems like really nice material to throw across the room right now. Did Cassian know he was working for his dad? How does that explain how he got into that gang thing in the first place? I've been trying to find answers for the past two hours, but I was getting nowhere. Nolani tried helping for a bit, but then she had to go home. I couldn't ask Mrs. Henderson because she was clueless and my parents would just panic.

The only person that could help is Lucifer himself.

But, I couldn't just walk into the alley and expect him to talk. To Mrs. Henderson, he's been missing for the past 10 years. He left his family and hasn't turned back. Eight years later, he meets his son again and lets him into his sketchy business and finally, ends his life.

My head starts pounding harder, but I just take another bite of my chocolate-covered chocolate chip granola bar and push through it. I take the wrapper and all the tissues filled with my tears and throw them all into the garbage can and go back to thinking.

How am I going to get Lucifer to talk to me?

I could try stalking him, but I don't think I could physically make it into that alley again without throwing up. I hit my head on my desk and I quickly remember the girl that replaced Cassian with the brown package. If I found her, I would at least be able to get something. I sort of recognized those thick-rimmed glasses and bright red bracelets, but I couldn't quite put a finger on it.

I pulled out my phone and texted Nolani, who practically knew everything about everyone on campus.


do u know anything about a girl at our school with these thick black glasses, super tight ponytail, and bright red bracelet?

Nolani the Narwhal:

uh, i think i know her??

do u hav a pic?

I look through my camera roll to see if I have a picture of the messenger girl, and sure enough, I do. I think I forgot to put it in my folder with all the other pictures of the alley. I send her the picture and bite my nails, waiting anxiously for her answer while staring at the three dots showing me she's typing.

Nolani the Narwhal:

dude, she's literally in my math class



Nolani the Narwhal:

im not kidding

she used to sit right next to Cassian, her name's Sierra


do u hav her phone number?? instagram?

Nolani the Narwhal:

i hav her snapchat

I take a sigh of relief and rest a hand on my chest, finally getting some sort of relief from the situation. Finally getting somewhere with this. I plop down on my bed and get some well-deserved rest. 

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