New arrival

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The sun was beginning to set casting colours of gold, orange and red across the sky. A little gentle breeze passed through the air, leaving behind a nice but comfortable chill.

Derek ran round the garden, chasing Oscar closely. He couldn't believe he was father to a 2 year old, he scooped him up into his arms and smiled at his sons giggle that filled the evening air.

"Dada, me down!" Oscar wiggled in Derek's arm, kicking his small legs.

"Alright, hang on son." Derek placed him on the floor and watched as his little legs began to carry him across the garden were he picked up the ball.

"Derek!" Derek turned and smiled at his very pregnant wife, leaning on the door frame, one hand resting on her lower back whilst the other rubbed at her stomach. "I can't put my socks on." She said as Derek jogged up to her side.

He tried his hardest not to laugh as Meredith pouted. She swung her hand and hit his shoulder.

"Don't laugh at me." She frowned at him. "It's your fault that I'm a beached whale." She pointed at him so he took this chance to grab her hand and pull her body as close to his as possible.

"I love you." He titled his head towards and watched as she broke into a small smile.

"Stop trying to make me smile when I'm mad at you." She couldn't help but smile back. "I love you too. Now come on, your mom is waiting for us."

Meredith turned and waddled back into the house. So Derek turned and directed his attention back to Oscar, who was kicking the ball into the net, clapping his small hands every time it went in. Derek watched and smiled to himself knowing Oscar would soon have some one to play with.

"Oscar!" Derek watched as his sons blue eyes stared at him. "Come on son, we are going to see grandma." Derek smiled when Oscar forgot about the ball and rushed to his fathers side.

"Dad,up!" He held his arms up and smiled. Derek couldn't say no when he smiled purely for the fact he has his mother's smile. He scooped him and placed him on his hip, walking into the house and found Meredith ready to go.

"I went for sandals, I couldn't be dealing with socks and shoe laces." Meredith waved her hands about them placing her hands on 8 month bump.

"Not much longer now Mer." Derek placed his free hand on her back and guided her out the house. It was coming to the of November, meaning it was only a few weeks until this baby would born, they would have a December baby this time round.

Once they were settled into the car they set off on their journey, Oscar was quick to fall asleep in his seat and Meredith rubbed at her stomach, grimacing at how uncomfortable she felt. Derek reached out and placed his hand on her thigh, letting her know he was there. Traffic came to a stand still and Meredith sighed loudly. Derek's phone began to ring loudly and he was quick to answer.

"Hey Mark, are you stuck in the traffic?" Derek asked as he looked at the long line of cars in front of him.

"Yeah man, there was a bad crash, Addison is currently having to feed Eva in the back. Doesn't look like we are going to get to moms anytime soon." Mark sighed loudly. "Hows everything on your end?"

"We will have to phone ma, let her know that we are all safe. But yeah Oscar is sleeping so that's a relief, you know how restless he can get." Derek felt Meredith shift in her seat. "Mer, well uncomfortable."

"Of course she is, she's 8 months pregnant, stuck in a warm car!" Addison's voice carried out over the phone.

"Yes I know Addison but..." Derek heard Meredith gasp loudly. "Mer, what is it?" Derek's hand went to her side, grasping one of her hands in his.

Meredith looked down and her lap, in shock before eventually pulling them away and looking up at Derek with wide eyes.

"My waters just broke." Her voice wobbled. "I'm in labour." Meredith watched as Derek's eyes went wide and she could hear the frantic voices of Mark and Addison over the phone but she couldn't make out what they were saying.

The traffic still wasn't moving and there was no way for an ambulance to get to them. Also, they say labour progress quicker with your second baby so this scared the hell out of Meredith. She was going to give birth in her car.

Finally, got round to uploading the first chapter to the sequel!
Obviously this is just the beginning but please let me know what you think and if you are liking it already!

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