We are going home

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Meredith woke the next morning and slowly rolled onto her side, wincing slightly in pain. A smile graced her face when she watched her daughter sleeping. Her daughter. She still couldn't believe that this was her life, being a mother to two.

"Hey, you're awake." Derek poked his head and walked in with a bag from their favourite cafe in his hands. He moved and helped Meredith get into a more comfortable position. "Did you sleep alright?" He pulled the tray in front of her and started placing the food down in front of her.

"I've not long woke up. Honestly, I slept amazing. Willow went to the nursery for the night so I could actually get some sleep, they just brought her down. Is this for me?" She smiled up at Derek after looking down at the muffins, fruit, pancakes and some juice.

"Of course." Derek sat on the edge of the bed, facing Meredith, taking her hand in his and stroking his thumb over the back of her hand. "I thought you would enjoy a decent breakfast compared to the hospital food." He pulled a piece of the muffin off and popped into his mouth. "Oscar is with ma, they will meet us at home later on."

Meredith nodded her head, moaning in appreciation at the taste of the muffins. Her attention is turned as Willow begins to whimper. Derek was quick to move to his feet and bundle her into his arms, bouncing her to calm her down. He paced the room and smiled at Meredith.

"I've got my girl. You carry on eating, you can feed her when you're done." Derek smirked at her. Meredith smiled and carried on digging into the room until Willow's whimpers turned into cries which Meredith couldn't ignore anymore.

"Alright, give me my baby." Meredith held her arms out and Derek placed her down, watching as Meredith adjusted Willow into a comfortable position before allowing her to latch on. Once she was feeding Meredith reached out with her free hand to grab a muffin. "You're officially my favourite person ever, hospital food sucks." She said with a mouth full of food.

"Hey guys, how are we all today?" Arizona walked in with a spring in her step and a bright grin on her face. "Good news, you can go home today!" She watched as Derek leaned down and kissed the top of Meredith's head before they turned and smiled at one another. "Just need you to sign the forms and then you are good to go."

"I'll go do them and you can start packing up here." Derek kissed Meredith once more before turning to leave the room.

"Der." Derek turned round as Meredith called out his name. "Don't forget to grab the car seat." They smiled before they nodded at one another before Derek left the room.

Meredith looked down as Willow continued to feed, running her finger over her chubby, pink cheeks.

"I can't wait to watch you and your brother grow. Oscar won't share his toys with you but don't worry daddy will probably spoil you rotten. You're his little princess." Meredith cooed and watched as Willow unlatched from her breast and yawned widely.

Meredith moved her to her shoulder, rubbing her back waiting for a burp. Derek walked back into the room and started packing up their bags, placing the car seat on the bed. She slowly pushed her exhausted body to her feet and slipped Willow into the car seat, making sure multiple times that she was buckled in correctly.

Once the bags were packed, they were good to go so Derek threw his bag over his shoulder and took the car seat in his one hand whilst taking Meredith's hand in his other.

"Let's go home." He smiled down at her and walked out together hand in hand, ready to start their journey as a family of four.

I didn't realise I had left it this long to upload this story so I'm so so sorry!!
Plan on uploading more often now I'm over my writers block and will have a bit more free time.
Thanks for bearing with me!

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