Birthday Party

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Willow was 1. But Meredith was sick.

They had been preparing for this day for months now, getting all the preparations, getting the invites, wrapping the presents and everything else.

Now it was the morning of her birthday and Meredith couldn't stop throwing up. At first she had put it down to nerves, but now as she stood there, looking down in the sink, she knew it wasn't stress.

"Meredith?" Derek asked as Meredith turned to face him, not before throwing something into the cupboard.

"Yeah, what's up?" She asked, forcing a smile at him.

"Addison is downstairs, says she got your text, she's left Eva with Mark. What's going on?" Derek asked, confused with his wife's behaviour.

"Nothing, I just need to speak to her." She asked shrugging her shoulders and moving past him.

"Meredith." Derek reached out and grabbed her arm, causing her to stop. "Why are you pushing me away? What's going on?" He asked, frowning at her.

"Nothing is going on, why is it every time you think something is going on. Just leave it. I need to go and speak to Addison." Meredith rolled her eyes and walked away.

Derek sighed in frustration, the last thing he wanted to do today was argue with Meredith. He would eventually find out what was going on with her.

Meanwhile, Meredith was rushing down the stairs, eager to get to Addison.

"Carolyn, can you watch the kids for a minute? I just need to speak to Addison real quick." Meredith asked.

"Of course dear." Carolyn replied before turning back to continue playing with Oscar and Willow.

"Meredith, what is going on with you?" Addison asked as she was dragged through the house.

"Not here, outside." Meredith pulled her outside and forced her down into the chair before going into a full on ramble.

Back in the house, Derek headed downstairs, freshly showered and dressed ready for the party.

"Hey ma." Derek said as he walked over and kissed the top of her head before reaching down to pick Willow up. "Hey princess, how's the birthday girl doing?" He asked as he bounced her on his hip.

"Dada." Willow replied before poking Derek's nose and then giggling to herself. She sounded just like Meredith.

"Derek, what's going on with Meredith?" Carolyn asked as she stood up, brushing down her trousers.

"No idea." He kissed Willows head before placing her down on the floor, watching as she crawled over to play with Oscar. "I wish I knew but she won't speak to me about it, I'm not going to push it today, I don't want any arguments at Willow's party." He turned and smiled at Carolyn.

"Of course son but you will need to speak to her eventually." Carolyn insisted whilst placing her hand on the top of his arm.

Just then the doorbell rang and everyone started to flood into the house. In the end it was over run by kids running about the place whilst the adults stood and spoke, getting in a well needed catch up.

Derek stood back and watched Meredith closely before Mark grabbed his attention.

"You know, if you want some alone time with Meredith, I can take charge down here whilst you two, you know." Mark raised his eyebrows multiple times before laughing.

"Shut up Mark." Derek sighed.

"Alright, seriously, what's going on with you?" Mark asked seriously.

"There's something up with Meredith, she won't speak to me about and earlier she was outside with Addison for ages. Just talking. Now, she won't even come near me." Derek said as he turned his attention back to Meredith watching as she turned down a glass of wine.

"Dude, it could be anything I mea..." before Mark could continue Derek had walked off and was heading in Meredith's direction. "Alright then, never mind." Mark simply shrugged his shoulders before heading outside to join the older kids in their game of football.

As Derek walked over to Meredith, he picked up a glass a wine.

"Here." Derek said, holding the glass out towards Meredith. She watched as she turned his head and eventually faced him, confusion and panic wrote across her face.

"Erm, no thanks. I have my water." She forced a smile before turning away from him.

Derek placed the glass of wine down before grabbing the top of her arm and dragging her out into the quiet hall.

"Derek, what the hell?" She pulled her arm of his grip and placed her hands on her hips.

"You're going to tell me what's going on with you right now. I think I know but I need you to say it and then I need you to explain to me why you've been keeping this a secret from me." Derek was determined in getting to the bottom of this.

"I don't know what you're talking about. We need to go back to the party." Meredith turned to walk away but was quickly stopped by Derek.

"No Meredith, the party can wait. This is a conversation we need to be having now." Derek moved to stand in front, giving her no escape.

"Derek please." Meredith whispered, in almost a begging manor, to drop the subject.

"Mer." He looked her in the eyes, so blue clashed with green. He cleared his throat before finally asking her what had been on his mind.

"Are you pregnant?"

Right, so I've decided I'm going to end this story on chapter 30, so only 4 more uploads with this story now!!
Bit of a cliffhanger for you...

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