Tired of this

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Derek sighed as he walked back through his moms front door, running his fingers through his hair. The house was wrapped in silence. No Meredith, no kids and no mom.

"Ma? Mer?" He walked into the living room and saw the deserted room. "Hello?" Derek shouted a bit louder in the hopes someone would hear him. In the distance he heard his sons laughter ring out and he moved towards the back door.

Opening the door, he stood on the porch, watching as his sister ran round with Oscar on her back and Willow slept peacefully in her pushchair, which was located next to Carolyn. Carolyn sat there, shades on her eyes as she was reading her book. He smiled to himself as he watched on his family, his perfect family.

"Inside now." Derek jumped as he now realised his mom was standing directly in front of him, glaring at him and her hands placed on her hips.

Derek turned and allowed to his head to drop. He was in trouble.

"I cannot believe how selfish you have become." Carolyn bluntly said.

Derek quickly turned on his heel and frowned towards his mother. He opened his mouth to reply, but she quickly shut him up by placing her hand up.

"Don't. I don't want to hear your excuses, now sit." Carolyn pointed at the chair and waited until Derek had taken his seat before continuing on. "We get it, you had an accident and your arm was hurt and you can't work, also your ego was bruised. But you've become so self centred that you haven't even realised how you are treating your poor wife! She is exhausted and you are taking your angry out on her, so I suggest you wake up and open your eyes. Soon. Cause I'm telling you now son, if you aren't careful then you are going to lose everything. Meredith and the kids!" Carolyn exclaimed.

"Ma, you have no idea what you're talking about. We just had a little disagreement earlier but we are good." Derek shrugged his shoulder, oblivious to what was really going on around him. "I'm not going to sit here and listen to this!" Derek stood up and waved his arms around. "Me and Meredith are good, we are strong. So I'm going to get my wife and kids and leave. Before I say something I regret."

Quickly, Derek pushed himself to his feet and moved outside.

"Oscar!" He watched as his son turned towards, wide eyed and out of breath, smiling. "Come on son, time to go home." Derek forced a smile as he moved to grab the pushchair. Oscar was quick to join him at his side, holding on tight to the pushchair as he waved his goodbyes to Amelia.

When entering the house again, he found Meredith and his mom, quietly talking. It was like his mom was comforting Meredith. But why did she need comforting?

"Mer, come on we are leaving." Derek flatly said. He walked straight past the two of them and headed towards the front door.

"Remember what I said dear." Carolyn smiled at Meredith before placing a kiss on her cheek and pulling her into her arms, hugging a quick goodbye.

Meredith quickly caught up with her family, taking Oscars hand in hers, listening as he went on about the game he was playing with Amelia.

"Mama, we do horsey! We go fast!" Oscar explained excitedly, bouncing on the spot.

"No way!" Meredith tried to match his excited tone but the headache she had battling all day continued to throb and she frowned as she rubbed her head.

"Mama up!" Oscar stopped and held his arms up, his body finally tired out from his fun filled day. Meredith smiled and leaned down, taking him in her arms and breathing in his scent. Oscar placed his head on her shoulder, wrapping his arms around her neck as he cuddled into her.

She would never get over this. No matter how bad things got, she would always have her kids. She was a good mom and no one could tell her any different. She was also a good wife but right now, she didn't feel like it.

"Mer, are you even listening to me?" Derek's voice shook her out of her trance and she realised he had now stopped next to her.

"Oh yeah, just headache." Meredith forced a smile and watched as he nodded his head, satisfied with her answer. Even if it was a lie.

"Anyways, as I was saying, we need to talk when we get home." He quickly brushed his lips against hers and set off for home again. Meredith following him closely.

Once they reached the house Meredith moved to the living room, placing Oscar in his chair and put on Cars.

"Hey little man, mommy and daddy just need to talk real quick so I need you to stay here and watch cars alright?" She watched as he nodded his head and rubbed at his eyes, clearly tired. "Good and if you're super good, we can some cake after dinner." She whispered and watched as his eyes lit up and a huge smile broke out of his face.

"Ok mama! Me good, cars and cake!" He exclaimed in between a yawn.

Meredith stood back up straight and placed a kiss on the top of Oscars head before heading into the kitchen to find Derek. Walking in her found him with Willow on his hip as she ate a banana.

"Where's Oscar?" Derek asked as he paced Willow another piece of fruit.

"Watching cars, he will probably fall asleep in a bit though, he has had an exciting day." Meredith replied, smiling at him as she took a seat at the table, resting her head in her hands.

"So me and mom had a very interesting conversation earlier." Derek spoke up, as he wiped down Willows face, watching as Meredith lifted her head back up.

"Yeah, what about?" Meredith asked as she took willow out of Derek's arms.

"She's convinced that me and you aren't on the best of terms lately, I'm just wondering where she would possibly get this idea from?" Derek looked at Meredith, questioning in his eyes.

"I have no idea, you know what moms like, she gets an idea in her head and runs with it." Meredith smiled tiredly up at him, as Willow chewed on her finger, gurgling and cooing. She didn't want to start a fight right now, she didn't have it in her.

"Right." Derek rolled his eyes before grabbing a beer from the fridge. He took a quick sip before placing it down and picking up his phone.

Meredith knew he was getting into one of his moods so she was going to leave him to it. Standing on her feet, she swayed slightly and hung on tight to Willow, scared to drop her.

"Hey Der." Meredith said quietly as he her head throbbed and her body continued to sway. Derek continued to type away on his phone, completely oblivious to what was happening. "Derek, I need you to take Willow." He still didn't move. "Derek!" Meredith exclaimed watching as his head shot up.

"Take Willow off me now." Meredith tried her  best to get to him in time but her whole hurt and her legs began to give away. Exhausted.

Derek pushed himself off the side and ran to grab willow, wincing slight at the pain that throbbed through his arm as Meredith pushed her into his arms. With his free hand, he held on tight to Meredith's upper arm as she began to fall to the floor. Trying his best, he slowly lowered her to the floor as he legs completely gave out.

"Mer, hey mer. Open your eyes for me." Panic filled Derek's body as Meredith lay lifeless on the floor. Her pulse was still there and she was still breathing, so there was that.

He ran into the living room and placed Willow in her travel cot with all her toys, grabbing his phone before joining his wife's side again.

Maybe his mom was right. He didn't pay attention to Meredith lately and as she lay there, he took his time to take in her appearance properly. Dark circles under her eyes, frown lines, she just looked tired. No, exhausted.

Things needed to change and they needed to change fast. He couldn't lose her. He just couldn't.

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