Chapter Seventeen: Almost Home

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I apologise in advance for the utter shit you're about to read. I'm so sorry, my writing is terrible, mainly because I'm going through exams in a week and I'm a huge stress head or something. But RDJ got instagram, and I literally cried - actually shed tears - at some of the photos and videos. I'm so glad. I have a new IG fan acc, and for any of you willing to follow me, it's @colorsofdowney. I'll give you a follow back and maybe a few likes if I have time. Anyway, don't hate me too much. There's probably a bunch of mistakes but I couldn't be bothered to keep checking and changing it, so here goes nothing. Chapter Seventeen, 'wir beginnen'. 

p.s yes I do German. Sigh.

"Oh my God! Oli?! Is that really you?!" she yells down the phone.

"Yes Ash, it's me," I say, smiling at finally being able to talk to my best friend again after so long.

"Wait! Wait! Lemme get the guys!" I hear her voice become muffled as she takes the phone away from her face, calling each of them in turn. "Yes! It's actually her! Come here quick! Hey Ol, you're on speaker, Hemsworth, Evans and Jeremy are all here!"

"Hi boys," I shout slightly, hearing them all chat with each other.

"Oli! Where have you been?!" Hemsworth says. I take a breath to tell him how much of a long story it is, but then they'll want to know. I let the silence take over for a few moments until Evans speaks.

"Yeah! You have a lot of explaining to do missy!"

"I promise I will explain all when we're back!" I reply back, as Downey walks into the room with his denim pants on and a cream colored towel around his shoulders, his hair wet and sticking all over the place.

"Wait, who's 'we'?" Evans asks. Robert looks at me and points at the phone with a confused frown, mouthing 'who's that?' silently.

"Um, one sec guys, I'll be right back..." Deciding not to answer Evans' question, I mute the phone and turn to Robert. "It's all the guys from school. I know we were going to wait till we got back but I just wanted to speak to them all, don't worry, I didn't say anything about anything that's happened since I've been gone."

"Baby, it's up to you what you tell them, you don't need my permission, okay?" he puts one strong arm around me and kisses my temple. "Except for when we're at school. Then you always need my permission." He grins slyly and kisses me over and over in the same spot. "Okay, Miss Olison?"

"Yes Sir," I reply playfully, winking at him and biting my lip. I don't know why, but I am now intensely attracted to this man. Before I was in love with him, now I'm positively head over heels for him. He narrows his eyes, squinting at me mischievously. I turn back to the phonecall. "Hi guys, just had to sort something out."

"Some thing? Don't you mean some one?" Ash suggests. I freeze, looking at Downey, and then to the phone, and then back to Downey again. Shit, I didn't mute the phone. I stand still, expecting him to be worried at hearing her comment. Surprisingly, he's just smiling instead, rolling his eyes.

"I don't follow you, Ash-"

"Don't play coy with me girl! Us guys all know Mr Downey is out there hunting you down!" Robert chuckles, and I guess Ash hears the whole thing because it's the next thing she brings up. "Oh my God, was that him? It was wasn't it! Oli? Is Mr Handsome standing right beside you?!" she screams.

"Excuse me young lady, 'Mr Handsome' happens to be your Principal!" Robert replies, snatching the phone out of my hand. I hear Ash explode with laughter down the line and soon they're having a conversation. "Yes, well...she can be a tough one to catch can't she..." He looks at me, and chuckles. I try to get closer to hear what she has to say, but he won't let me, holding his hand out to keep me away. "Yeah, I know... I'll have her home safe within the next few hours. We're leaving for the airport in ten minutes...yes, airport... We're in Phoenix, 'Oli' will tell you all about it when she gets back." He emphasises the name, looking at me with a devious expression. "Yes, yes okay. Bye!" Robert hangs up and passes the phone back to me.

I'm Warning You ~○~ Robert Downey Jr (Teacher/Student Romance)Where stories live. Discover now