Chapter Fifteen: Together Again

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"I'm Rosie."

"So, you're not from round here huh?"

"Do I really look that shit?" I frown, letting my shoulders drop. I guess being surrounded by smartly dressed business people really contrasts with what I look like right now.

"No, course not, it's begin with, you didn't even know where you were. I gotta admit, I thought you were crazy."

"Oh. That. That's a long story. A very long story."

"Here, this is the one." We turn left into a café, walking to a seat as far away from the window as possible. I'm not taking any chances. "You want anything to eat, drink...? It's on me, I have half an hour."

"I'd kill for a cheese bagel..?"

"I got it." Annabelle walks to the counter to get the goods, but I stay vigilant in case the car I came to Arizona in turns around the corner. When Annabelle gets back to the table, she offers me her phone. I take it politely, though I was mentally snatching it and punching in the numbers as fast as I could. I dial Robert's number as fast as I can, eager to hear his sweet voice. It rings. And rings. And it keeps on ringing. Until...




"Can you hear m-"


"You don't understand how much I've-"

"Just kiddin', sorry you missed me. You have reached the voice-mail of the one and only Mr Robert Downey Jr, please leave a message and I'll get back to you ASAP. Chow!" I place the phone on the table after pressing the hang up button. Tears spill from my eyes. I pick the phone back up, dialing it again, but much quicker. It rings, and keeps on ringing. But it's no use. I check the time, it's 11:45pm. It's a Saturday night, which explains the chaos in the dark streets this late. It must be 10:45pm in California, what could Robert possibly be doing that's making him not answer his phone? He doesn't sleep until at least 12am. What could be busying him? I unsuccessfully try to call once more, and hand the phone back to Annabelle.

"No luck?" she says sympathetically.

"Nope. Guess he's busy or something." I try to make it look like I shrug it off, but really I want to punch something really hard.

"Oh," she puts her phone in her purse, whilst I devour my bagel. "So, who's 'he'?"

"Oh, Robert? He's boyfriend." I hesitate to say the actual words. Realizing that the title of 'Principal' comes before boyfriend. But Annabelle wouldn't know, right?"

"I see, I see. So what are you doing in Arizona? Where are you from?"

"California, and I was...kinda abducted." She looks at me with a strange expression.

"California is miles from here, and what do you mean 'abducted'? Somebody took you?"

"Don't I know it. And yeah, I guess," I reply, thinking back to Matt. I wonder if he's come looking for me. I hope he never finds me again. That bastard. "It's a long story, far too long to explain in half an hour. Anyway, thank you. For letting me use your phone, it was very kind of you."

"Well, I must admit, I thought you were a crazy woman at first."

"Most people are inclined to think that, not sure why." I smile to Annabelle, although I'm pretty disheartened that Robert didn't pick up. 

"Well, it's been lovely meeting you Rosie, but I have to dash. Is there anything I can do for you? Do you have a place to stay the night?"

"Erm, well no...but I wasn't exactly planning that far ahead."

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