Chapter One: Meeting The New Principal

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"I'm sorry, Miss, but your behaviour is no longer tolerated. You have shown no respect to the school policy, and now vandalising the classrooms... Well, it's just not acceptable. I'm afraid you've left me no choice but to release you from this school; you're expelled."

"But Sir! I haven't even done anything wrong! All I did was draw a few pictures on the walls!"

"Drawing a penis on Miss McAndrews' head on her classroom door is completely uncalled for, and left her very upset."

I giggle a little at the memory of what I did. Okay, so maybe it was a bit harsh, but she always seemed to hate me. Okay, so maybe I didn't do any work, but I'm seventeen, surely she could be a LITTLE more understanding of what it's like. She was seventeen too once, even if it was three centuries ago.

"Well I apologised didn't I?!"

"Saying 'you can't hide from the truth, I only did you a favour,' is not apologising young lady."

"Fine. Can I go now?" I ask, letting a heavy sigh escape my mouth.

"I will be contacting your mother about this! No more high school here for you anymore!" Mr Hanwell replies sternly. Why do people always think principals are intimidating? This dude's a complete joke.

"Sure thing Mr. H."

Before he gets chance to dismiss me, I get up and exit the room with a skip in my step. Don't you just love pissing people off? It amuses me.

It takes me a half-hour bus journey to get home, and once I am, I kick off my Nike trainers and run up stairs to my room. It's not much longer until my mom's back, and of course she's calling me downstairs for another lecture. I don't know why she bothers. She already knows I'm a lost cause.

"I'm just saying, at a new school with new people, maybe you'll settle down and make some friends. It's about time you socialised with p-"

"Mom, I'm not some baby! I've been expelled! What's the point of even trying to get in to any new schools?"

"I wish you'd just listen! For once in your life!"

"Fine. Talk," I say, opening my arms as a dramatic gesture.

"I already spoke to Mr. Hanwell, and we've arranged for you to go to a new high school. Have you ever heard of Ashbrook Academy?"

"I've never even heard of that place! I'm not going there!"

"Yes. You are. Now go get changed into something decent. You're going to tour the school."

"But Mom-"

"No buts! Go!"


I go upstairs to my room, and make a point of slamming my door shut. I change out of my school clothes - that's jeans and a dark blue v-neck - into a different pair of jeans and a clingy red t-shirt. If it'll stop my mom moaning, it's good. One more check in the mirror reveals nothing new, but seeing as it's a new school, I dig out my makeup and apply some foundation, mascara, and a thin line of eyeliner with a small flick at the end. I pull the band out of my wavy brown hair, and ruffle it around, letting it fall into whatever place it wants. I guess I'm good to go.

When we arrive at the school, it's fancy.There's like, seven different buildings, and the amount of neatly mowed grass surrounding the school is insane. God knows how I got offered a place here. After mom's parked up, we make our way into the main building and to the reception desk. There's a small, quite pretty woman behind the desk, typing away. Mom clears her throat and the woman turns her attention to us. "Hi, I'm Scarlett, how may I help you?"

"Uh...we're here to take a look around, for my daughter-"

"Oh, you're the student from Chelmsford High?"

"Yup," I reply, popping the 'p', "I'm the one."

"Ah, well the principal said he'd be happy to tour you," Oh God, talk about first impressions. Eh, who cares. He either likes me or he doesn't. I won't end my life because of it. "I'll just let him know you've arrived," she says, pointing to the phone. My mom smiles and nods, and I just start browsing through a few of the panflets on the counter. Here they do a bunch of classes. Almost too many to choose from. At my last school I studied Drama, English Lit, Social Studies (which was forced on me by Hanwell, 'to improve my behaviour,' pft yeah right) and Mathematics, Chemistry and PE (also forced on me, but not too bad). I wonder if I should keep the same classes or try something new. Will they even give me a choice?

A man enters the room through a frosted-glass door. "Ah, Good afternoon. I'm Mr Downey, principal here at Ashbrook. You are...?" he asks, looking at me. He's short, about 5'10", brown hair, brown eyes, awesome facial hair, (must admit), around mid-thirties... Just the typical headteacher.

"Oli. The name's Oli."

"Well then Oli, after you," he says, gesturing to the large glass doors, I'm presuming lead to a load of class rooms. Mom and I both walk through the doors, which open automatically - fancy - and into a corridor where Mr. Downey catches us both up, and begins to talk to us whilst we walk. "Now, here at Ashbrook, you can either choose to board here, that's living here during the week and going home at weekends, or attend normally. I have been told about your...schooling background...and I think it's a very good option for you to consider the previous." My mom smiles and nods as we continue walking. I, however, cringe at the idea of being at school for five whole days and nights of a week. As if school during the daytime wasn't bad enough. "Of course, places are limited and although it's not as expensive as full-board schools it can still be costly. It's usually two-thousand to three-thousand dollars every academic year. Would it be...considerable?"

"Yes, yes, I think I could actually manage that, it sounds great! I didn't know students could board here! It sounds like a great school, don't you think Oli?"

I grunt before replying, "Sure," and mom elbows me in the side. Mr Downey just continues walking, although I see him glance at me with a face that suggests he's trying to work out what I'm like. Obviously he's clueless.

There's a load of stuff discussed. When the tour's over, Downey smiles and shakes both our hands - (and winks at my mom. Ew.) - before we turn and leave.

Somehow, I end up being enrolled, and start in a weeks time. ONE. WEEK. That's all the time I have. How ridiculous! From then on, it's living. Inside. A School. That sucks. Why would anyone want to live at school?! Ugh. It's a long year and a half ahead before graduation.





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