Chapter Eight - Part One: The Plan

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Days turned into weeks. Weeks turned into Months. Now it feels like I didn't even meet her, like she was just a person that my strange mind made up or something. I admit it, I miss her, and it's weird. I don't even know what kind of relationship we had going on, but it was something good. It would've been if...if...

Ufff. Who am I kidding, it's my fault. It's horrible seeing her around guys all the time, and she doesn't even acknowledge my presence. I even caught one of the weasels snake his dirty little arm around her waist, and she looked like she didn't even care. She sits in class, not talking, not disrupting others, not making a scene. She sits there, not the slightest care that I might not notice her. But I do. And it's killing me. I stare at her for minutes, but she doesn't even look in my direction at all, never mind at me directly.

I'm teaching her drama class next lesson, I'll have to try something different, if I want her to know. For now, I could use a cup of coffee. I stroll to the main building, heading towards my office. It's a pleasant day, light breeze, clear sky. I push open the doors and walk down a small hallway, reaching the point where I swipe my card on a door, allowing me into the staff quarters. I know some of the staff actually stay in their rooms sometimes, if they're working late and have an early start. Then again, some of the teachers live two hours away from here, I guess it makes sense. Most teacher's just turn them into offices, making use of their own space. I don't even use my room - which is biggest of them all (because I'm the best, obviously) - so it's totally bare. Apart from the beige coloured walls, the cream carpet and an old wooden bookcase filled with students' books dating back ten years, there's nothing in there. When I'm almost at the staff kitchen, I'm stopped by a cute looking blonde. She's not that short, compared to me anyway. Blue eyes, nice smile. Not bad... "Hi, you're...Rob Downey right?"

"Downey Junior, yes, I am he," I say, smiling.

"Oh, sorry," she giggles and rolls her eyes. "I'm Gwyneth Paltrow, you hired me for-"

"Ah, the new cleaner." I nod with a serious face. She looks at me like she's just been slapped in the face, I can't help laughing. "Don't worry, I'm kidding," I say, patting her arm lightly. She puts a hand to her chest and sinks with a sigh of relief. "You're the new drama teacher, correct?"

"Yes, I think I was supposed to start next week. I know it's Thursday and all, but I thought I might as well come and get to know the place."

"I understand. Well if you would like me to show you around any time, it'd be my pleasure." She nods her head with a smile.

"Thank you so much, it'd be a great help. I can just about find my way around this building, and it's only dorms, offices and the reception!"

"Oh, I'm sure you'll be navigating your way around soon enough. How about Monday, second period? I'm not teaching, and plus maybe we can get a bite to eat afterwards..."

"Sure, that'd be lovely. Thanks a bunch Mr Downey."

"Please, call me Robert," I hold out my hand and she shakes it willingly.

"Monday, second period," she confirms. I nod my head and give her a slight wave as we leave each other to head in opposite directions. The staff kitchen is quite full today, unfortunately. I just dive straight in, make my coffee and get the hell out. If anyone tries to make conversation with me - which they always do because they either want a promotion, a raise, time off or to make a complaint about a student - I just tell them I had a lesson to go to. Which is no lie, I have drama in... I check my watch and it reads the time as half two. Damn, I have five minutes to get to the class! I swing my hips back and forth to make it back to the Drama building ASAP. Luckily, I get there before anyone else.

I'm Warning You ~○~ Robert Downey Jr (Teacher/Student Romance)Where stories live. Discover now