Chapter Twenty Two: Plaster Cast

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When I open my eyes, I'm alone, lay in Robert's bed. I guess it wasn't a dream then, huh... I stretch out my arms and get up. As soon as I put pressure on my right ankle, pain shoots through my leg. "Ow! Damn it!" Shit, ouch. I hobble down the stairs, clinging to the banister. When I walk into the living room, I see Robert sprawled across the couch in a rather uncomfortable position. I hop over, perch on the edge of the sofa and run my fingers through his fluffy brown hair. I watch him as he sleeps, the silence of the room filled with his light snores. I stroke his face gently, the scratchy stubble feeling rough against my fingers. I don't even know if it can be called stubble anymore, it's almost a full on beard. "I'm so sorry Robert, I wish I could change things..." I take a deep breath and close my eyes as tears form. "You know, I really disliked you at first," I begin, laughing a little at the thought, "and everyone I spoke to told me you were the meanest teacher ever, so I thought, bring it on Mr. Downey." I smile, feeling more tears form under my eyelids. "And then you did, but somehow, that changed everything. My opinion of you changed from selfish to the most caring guy I knew, all 'cause I got to know you a little better..." A single tear falls from my eyes and I splutter a small laugh. "You're funny, you're sweet, you're adorable as hell, you always put my needs first, and you're... You're my teacher..." I open my eyes to look up to the ceiling, almost wondering about what my dad would say to this, and another couple tears roll down my cheeks.

"And a damn good one too," he mumbles, his voice raspy. I look down at him, his eyes closed. He opens them, revealing the gorgeous brown orbs. "Oh, and you forgot sexy," he adds, grinning. I smile, poking him in the side. "Is it true? Did Matt..." He swallows and wipes my cheeks of tears.

"Yeah...but, I um...I just wanna forget it..."

"Seriously?" he asks, sitting up. "I think we should tell the cops, they could get him sent down-"

"As sick as that guy was, he saved my life," I reply, looking him in the eye. "I'm sorry I turned up here last night, I know you warned me about what would happen, I should've listened to you-"

"You think I listened to anybody when I was your age? I listened, smiled, agreed, and still did whatever the fuck I wanted to do anyway. You don't have to apologise, I'd rather you came here than end up in some gutter passed out and rolling in vomit." He sits up properly, placing his hand on my leg. "Why did you leave so fast last night, what did you run away from?" he asks with a more serious tone.

"I just got bored and wanted to leave-"

"Right okay, and now's the time when you give me a proper explanation. There aren't any lies between us, Angel." I let out a deep breath.

"Okay, but you have to promise you won't overreact."

"I'm not making any promises until you tell me what happened." He stares at me and I just take a breath before beginning to speak.

"Chris kissed me, I was drunk and so was he, but I couldn't get him off me. It reminded me of what Matt did...I just...I got scared, and so I ran. That's when my heel snapped, and my ankle-"

"Wait, so Chris, Evans I'm guessing, forced himself onto you?"

"Well he was drunk, he probably wasn't seeing straight, but he pinned me against a table, and held me down."

"That little fuck-"

"Robert it was just a stupid attempt don't be mad with me, I swear it meant nothing whatsoever-"

"Mad with you? I'd never be mad with you, it's him I'm pissed with!"

"Well, lets just drop it, he'll leave me alone now, I'll make sure of it." I stand up and turn around to sit on his knee. "Okay?" I ask. He looks at me for a second, a very serious 'teacherly' facial expression. "Okay?"

I'm Warning You ~○~ Robert Downey Jr (Teacher/Student Romance)Where stories live. Discover now