Chapter Seven: "He's A Good Kisser Isn't He?"

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Lunch break, the only time of day which doesn't require brainpower. After leaving the cafeteria with a cheese sandwich in one hand, a bottle of orange juice in the other, and my pink converse backback slung over my left shoulder, I head for the group of benches spaced out along the path to the English Building. It's reasonably nice weather, so eating outside seems like a good idea. I sit down on the furthest bench away, placing my bag beside me on the bench whilst the thoughts about last night whiz around in my brain. I aced my math test, thanks to the help from Downey. The highest score in the class, I don't know who was more shocked, me or the teacher. She wouldn't believe me when I swore I didn't cheat. It took a full body and bag search to prove the knowledge on my paper actually came from my own mind. I don't know how I managed to focus after last night. 

*Flashback - The night before*

After three hours of math, it's 9:30pm. Oh my God, I can't take anymore. We're lay vertically on the bed next to eachother, just like when we watched Romeo and Juliet together- Ugh, focus you stupid brain! "I can't be bothered for any more. Damn, can we please stop now? This is frying my brain!" I whine. He rolls his eyes and grins at me.

"You do want to pass don't you?" he asks, looking me directly in the eyes.

"Well yeah but...ugh...I don't even care. I just want to sleep." I close my eyes and comfortably flop my head onto his shoulder. He doesn't move, but I can feel his eyes still staring at me. "What?" I mumble into his still tie-less white shirt. He hasn't mentioned it at all since we left his office. Does he want it back or not? Jeez.

"It's fine, we're practically done anyway," he replies, shoving all of the math crap onto the floor. "Do you get it all?"

"What? Do I...oh...yeah..."

"Yeah," he replies, mimicking my tone, "Have you even listened to a word I said?"

"Honestly?" I ask, he nods his head. "No. I didn't even pay attention to one word." I smile into his shirt, and I think he can tell, and I think he might just be smiling too. He lifts my head off his shoulder. Of course I was paying attention. I struggle to pay attention to anything but him lately.

"You're such a rebel, and I don't know how or why, but I like that. Even though you can be a god damn pain in the ass sometimes, and you only just started here, and yes, you're slightly annoying-" I punch him in the arm and he laughs but then rubs his -probably now dead- arm, "But... you're okay. I think you'll do well here," he adds. He scrunches up his nose and pinches my cheek. I roll my eyes, but can't stop the smile showing. He snakes his arm around my back and scoots closer to me (because somehow being closer than we already were is possible). He even pulls the blanket over us both, and we get comfy. I think I could've stayed that way all night if it wasn't for me still being dressed. Damn! I'm still dressed! I wiggle out of his grip and grab some pjs and change in the bathroom. My pjs are basically just a vest top with some comfy short-shorts When I come out, the bed's been claimed by a certain someone. I roll my eyes and hold my hand to my mouth and giggle a little. He pulls back the blanket and pats the space beside him. The very small space beside him. I curse this place for giving me a single bed, but at the same time, I'm quite thankful...

I turn off my lamp and climb in beside him. I can feel his bare chest against my back as he pulls me tightly closer to him, it sends shivers down my spine. And oh God, he hasn't got pants on...he's only in his boxers! I blush bright red, but thankfully the darkness will cover that up. If this is what liking someone felt like, I wanted to like every damn person on this Earth.

No I didn't.

I just wanted to like Robert Downey Jr.

I just wanted Robert Downey Jr.

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