Chapter Eighteen: Home Sweet Home

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"AGHHH!!!" Ash screams as she runs over to the car as we pull up outside my house. I climb out and try to brace myself as she throws her arms around me. "I missed you to pieces! Never leave like that again you little bitch!"

"I won't! I won't!" I throw my arms around her too, and Robert gets out of the car, leaning on it like he's spying on us or something, his shades on and his arms crossed. Ash follows my eyes and squeals when she finds out what I'm looking at.

"I can't believe he went out to get you, It's so romantic."

"I guess it is, I was just glad to see a face I knew, but extra glad it was his."

"Have you heard about the stories yet?"

"Stories? About what?"

"About Mr Loverboy over there!" She glances over at Robert, and while we both stare at him, he pulls his shades to the end of his nose and tilts his head forward, glaring at us over the edge of his sunglasses. We both burst out laughing and he begins to shake his head.

"No? Tell me!" I say back.

"He's been getting really grouchy, you know one day, the whole grade was in detention?!"

"What? Why?" I say, laughing still.

"Because someone gave him a flyer about caring for the old and asked if he needed help with anything. It may have been a joke, but he literally gave off red mist, and threw the whole grade into detention. It was hilarious, I thought of your reaction the whole time. I wish you coulda been there!"

"Wow, he really does take the old jokes to heart doesn't he?"

"You can say that again! How old is he? If anyone knows, it's you."

"You won't believe it if I tell you," I reply, raising my eyebrows. I still don't believe it myself.

"Okay, like...thirty? Thirty-two-ish?"

"Not quite..."

"Oh just tell me!"

"He's thirty-" Robert coughs loudly.

"Miss Olison, thank you very much," Downey interrupts, standing so close behind my right shoulder I can feel his breath on my neck. I see Ash bite down on her lip to hold back the giggle, and suddenly my knees go weak.

"Hey you," I say to him, looking up at him over my shoulder.

"Hey there little miss stop-sharing-my-business." I laugh and he pinches my waist at the sides. Ash rolls her eyes whilst laughing.

"Stop it you guys, I feel like such a third wheel right now." Robert and I chuckle and continue looking at each other. Maybe she's right, after all, we are outside my house. Anyone could drive past and see us. Regardless, he places his hands on my hips and rests his head on my shoulder. "You're killing me; seriously. Where's Jeremy when I need him?!"

"How is Mr Renner anyway?" I ask.

"He's okay, we're having a party by the way! You, Me, Jeremy, Hemsworth, Evans, and a whole loada others. Seeing as we totally missed your birthday! Anyway, it'll only be a few days after, we're still getting cake."

"You don't need to go to much effort, but cool! When?"

"Well, it's Tuesday today, so how's this Saturday sound?"

"Yeah, great. I'm in."

"Will there be alcohol?" Downey pipes in.

"Uh...well," Ash replies, "maybe a little-"

I'm Warning You ~○~ Robert Downey Jr (Teacher/Student Romance)Where stories live. Discover now