Chapter 2

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Tessa's POV:  

I chuckled as I slowly slid Challenger's bridle off and watched him shake his head in relief.  I patted his neck and reached into the trailer tack room to hang the bridle.  "That's going back on in thirty minutes, but for now you get a break."  

I slipped his halter on and then hopped up into the trailer tack room.  I reached out and grabbed the bag of Manna Pro apple treats.  To say I was pleased with Challenger was an understatement.  

Lacy popped her head in.  "I knew it.  I knew you were getting treats.  You should have seen them perk up when they heard that bag rustle."  

I grinned as I reach in the bag and pulled out a handful.  "Oh, I'm sure they did.  Here."  I shoved the bag toward Lacy, knowing she'd want to give Russo treats too.  

She took it and stuck her hand in it.  "You know me too well."  

I giggled.  "Yep, I do."  I stepped down beside her and held out my hand to Challenger.  

He gently nuzzled the treats from my hand and I listened to him crunch them as I stroked his neck.  "You did good today boy.  Real good."

In our first show of the season, Challenger had won.  I still couldn't believe it.  Things like that just didn't happen with Challenger.  After two show season starts,  I'd grown to expect we'd just botch our first show, as we both tried to remember how to act at one.  

But today... Something had been different about today.  

I thought about the girl who'd gone before me, who'd I'd complimented on a good round.  She'd struck me as the competitive type.  I was pretty sure we weren't going to beat her score.  But Challenger had pulled through for me.  

It was so different from when I first started working with him, like night and day in difference. 

"There's my girl!"  I turned around at my father's deep voice.  

Before I knew what was happening, he'd swept me up in a bear hug.  Challenger side-stepped in surprise.  

"Proud of you, sweetheart," he murmured into my neck.  

"Thanks, dad," I replied. 

Mother joined us in the bear hug.  "Good job, honey," she whispered.  

"Thanks, mom."  I enjoyed all the love and support being showed, but between her and dad, I felt a little smothered.  "Mind letting me go?  I appreciate the support, but I think you've squished all the air out of me."  

Slightly sheepishly they let me go. "Ice cream?"  Suggested dad.

"Sure, but after the awards," I replied.

Vanessa's POV:  

I sat on the tack trunk for the next fifteen minutes, scrolling through old texts.  Am I the only person that does this?  I like reading old text conversations.  It's weird, I know.  

Finally I turned my phone off and turned to Win.  Ms. Festor had left for some reason or another.  "Guess it's time to get you bridled," I mumbled. 

I grabbed his bridle off the hook.  Win eyed me as I came closer.  "Now don't give me that."  

I put his halter around his neck and lifted the bridle up to him.  Immediately he threw his head up.  I tried to follow, standing on tip toe, but he was having none of it. 

I grunted in frustration and tried again.  "Win!  Come here!"  

Again he threw his head up. I backed off and glared at him.  

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