A Huge Announcement...

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So... As you know, I haven't been able to keep doing the two chapters per week on this book.  I couldn't keep up with them, and I said I had a reason why.  

Well, here's the reason.  

I have begun (moving slowly but begun) the editing/rewriting process for A Challenge.  Because A Challenge is going to be published hopefully by the end of this year.  

I hope y'all are as excited as I am to have A Challenge published in book and kindle form.  I have so many plans for this book.  

There's going to be entirely new scenes added, and rewrites are going to be extensive.  The word and chapter count will go up.  Plus a glossary will be added for all the 'non horse people' who will probably be reading it.   

The first draft will still be here on Wattpad but the fully published version will not be.  

So, you ask, does this mean its sequel, A Medallion, is going to be published as well?  

It's probably a bit early to tell, after all, the first draft hasn't even been finished yet.  But most likely, yes, it will be published as well.

Publishing is such a big deal guys.  It requires lots of time, effort, and coordination.  So for that reason, updates for A Medallion are staying at one per week.  If I should still be writing A Medallion after publication, then the update schedule might go back to two.  

I hope you guys are as excited as I am!  

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