Chapter 8

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Tessa's POV:  

I stared at my phone in disbelief.  

I read the text from Vanessa over again, still not sure that I was seeing correctly.  She thought I had another offer for Challenger, better than hers?  What?  

I quickly shot back a reply.  After I hit send, I realized maybe I should have just left  it alone.  But it was too late now, she replied right away.    

Tessa:  No, I don't have another offer for him.  

Vanessa:  Then why not?  Come on, I know you don't get a offer like this everyday.  Then again, I can see why  you would want to hold onto a horse with so much potential. 

I let out a groan.  

Tessa:  Can't we be done with this?  

Vanessa:  Absolutely not. 

Suddenly, I was mad.  Who was this woman to just barge into my life and demand my horse for herself?  Who was she to think the only reason I wouldn't sell to her was because I had another offer, or because I wanted to keep Challenger's potential all to myself? 

Tessa:  Okay, you want to know why?  Because I love him.  And it's the most silly, illogical thing in the world, I know.  And if he broke a leg today and could never compete again, I still wouldn't sell.  But guess what?  It's my reason, and it stands.

I set my phone down on my desk and looked at the clock.  Time to feed the horses. 

Vanessa's POV:  

I leaned back against the coach.  Ugh, this was so what I needed after that ride on Medallion.  I took a sip of the sparkling water in my hand, and looked down as a new text from Tessa came in.  

Tessa: Okay, you want to know why? Because I love him. And it's the most silly, illogical thing in the world, I know. And if he broke a leg today and could never compete again, I still wouldn't sell. But guess what? It's my reason, and it stands.

My fingers clenched around the glass.  What a silly reason indeed!  Horses come and go all the time in the competition world.  She'd better get used to it.  

Before she got hurt.  

Like I did. 

Vanessa:  If you really loved him, you'd see that my offer is what's best for him and you.   

I shook myself.  What was I saying?  This wasn't personal.  This wasn't about me and her.  This was about getting Challenger.

Vanessa:  I'm sorry about that last message.  But surely you see, he'd have a better life here at Vantage Point. 

It took longer for her to respond than before.  I passed the time by scrolling through videos of last year's Land Rover cross country rounds.

Tessa:  Alright, I'll be blunt.  No, he wouldn't have a better life there.  It would merely become a gilded cage, a place of agony for him.  I know what he needs and wants, and I know that's not it.

I stiffened.  Well, if we were dealing with frankness right now, I could handle that.  

Vanessa:  Well, I know he doesn't NEED the luxury that is Vantage Point.  But who are you to say that he wouldn't want it?

Tessa:  I'm not talking about the large stalls, the warm baths, or large paddocks.  I'm talking about the way he'd be treated and trained.

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