#2: a flash from the past.

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After waiting a few hours, she crawled under her bed, knocking out a vent door.

She cautiously climbed inside, making sure she wouldn't fall through and get caught.

She stared from above into a room, to see Janson talking to someone, seemingly angry at something they said.

Janson: These are my girls! You need to fix your damn mistake, Paige!

"His" girls?


What did he mean by that?

She leaned in to listen, but the metal creaked as she moved her hand.

Janson: It's already affecting one, but there's still hop-

Janson immediately looked around as her eyes widened.

She quieted her breathing, slowly backing up.

Her heart was beating out of her chest as she hurried back.

She crawled back out, closing the vent.

She jumped onto her bed, tucking herself in as she clutched the bedsheets with her fists, scrunching them up.

She was scared.

She was all alone.

She missed her sister.

She missed her friends.

She missed Newt.

It was too much for her.

She broke down in tears, hugging her pillow close.

How was she going to tell them about what she heard?

What did it even mean?

She just wanted it to be over.

After a few hours, she fell asleep.

She opened her eyes, only to find herself in some kind of chamber.

She started choking, realising she's surrounded by water.

She tried swimming up, but her head just smashed into the metal covering above.

There was no room for air.

She was going to drown.

During what seemed to be her last seconds, she felt a pain in her back, as if a needle had been shoved into her spine.

"No! Damn it Ava, get them out! Get them out right now!"

She looked to her right, only to see her sister in another one of these chambers, fighting for dear life.

The anger inside Elizabeth boiled over, as the glass chambers shattered to pieces, the water spilling out.

Elizabeth walked out onto the glass covered floor, passing out seconds later.

She shot up, covered in sweat as she clutched her chest, panting.

Her heart was beating abnormally fast as she tried to catch her breath.

What the hell happened?

Who the hell is Ava?

Is Ava the woman from the maze?

But she's dead.

A million questions arose in her mind, all of them unanswered.

Who was the man that tried to save us?

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