Breaking Little Girls' Legs and Sick Nick

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I drop back and talk with the rest of the guys as Tyler walks, what seems like a mile, ahead of us.

“You know what we should do tomorrow?” Connor says as we walk.

“What?” Damian asks.

“Roller skating,” he replies wiggling his eyebrows.

Damian stops in his tracks and says, “Are you insane? What happened the last time you skated?”

“Okay, first off she got in my way,” Connor says pointing at himself.

Bryce and I look at each other, both of us obviously lost at what they are talking about. Damian looks at us and asks Connor to explain about what happened.

“So we went skating last year and this little girl came right in front of me, causing me to trip on her and breaking her leg,” Connor explains all in one breath.

I start busting out laughing, seeing how that could happen. “You can’t win at anything can you?”

“I can win at more things than you think,” Connor says smirking.

Bryce and Damian put their hands over their mouths and holler, “OHHHHH!”

I roll my eyes at them and continue walking towards the dorms.

“Where did Tyler go?” one of the guys asks from behind me.

I look ahead of us, trying to see if I can see him at all. He is nowhere to be seen. I guess he must have gotten REALLY ahead of us while we were talking. 

Ever since I asked him about that snapback of Connor’s, he seemed to be a little mad. Maybe not mad, but irritated. I don’t know, boys are confusing.

We all get to my dorm, and all the boys walk past it except for Bryce who stays behind them, and waits until we can’t see them anymore.

“You seem to have taken a liking to Connor,” Bryce says raising his eyebrows.

“You think I like him?” I ask scoffing.

He raises his elbows and says, “It’s kind of obvious.”

“Bryce,” I say putting my hands on his shoulders. “I don’t like Connor. He’s just fun to have around.”

“Your idea of fun is falling into a lake?” Bryce asks, as a smile spreads across his face.

“Not exactly,” I say laughing.

“I’ll see you in the morning,” Bryce says giving me a hug and walking towards his dorm.

I unlock my dorm and when I walk in, I do not see Melissa in the room. Oh well, she is not my issue to deal with. I change into some pajamas and get into my bed and fall asleep.

When I wake up, I notice that Melissa’s bed is still made and it does not look like she came back at all in the night. I roll out of bed and take a shower and get changed into my hideous uniform.

I look at myself in the full length mirror on the closet door. There just has to be some way to spice up this boring school outfit. I start rummaging through my suitcase trying to find something.

Let’s see, there are bracelets, a long chain necklace, I could wear my black tights. I run into the bathroom and put the tights on. I come back out and I already look a little bit better. Maybe black booties would look better than flats.

I change my shoes and I think I’m good. I slide the bracelets on my wrist and put my backpack on as I start to struggle with putting the necklace on.  I leave my dorm and walk towards the guys’ since I had promised Connor that I would let him take me to the cafeteria this morning.

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