Betting and a Beaver

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After thirty minutes, I had made my way towards my dorm and then decided to trace my way to the school building from there.

I had walked past Connor's dorm, and I stopped myself before I walked any farther away from him. I face the door and knock on it.

"Who is it?" I hear someone say from inside.

I do not answer, in case it is Connor. I know he does not want to see me.

"Fine then," the guy says from inside. "Be mysterious."

The door opens, and I am face to face with Tyler. My hopes go down, and I doubt I will not be able to find Connor until later tonight.

"Aren't you supposed to be in class?" I ask him.

"Aren't you?" he mimics back at me.

"My teacher is sick," I answer. "They just cancelled the class."

"My teacher never showed up," Tyler says shrugging his shoulders. "Look, I'm kind of in here with Britt, so...."

"Oh," I say, looking into his dorm and seeing Britt lying down on one of the beds. "Do you know where Connor is?"

"Connor?" he asks me. "I don't know, you are with him all the time you should know."

Ouch, okay someone is in a bad mood. "I actually don't know where he is, so thanks for the help."

I walk away from him and down the hall. I hear the door slam, which causes me to jump. Who put him in such a bad mood? I just wanted to know if he knew where Connor went.

I keep walking down the hallway, and see someone wearing the same outfit as Connor today. The person turns around and it is Connor.

He starts running and rounds a corner. "Connor!" I yell after him. This is not happening again. I rest my hand against the cold wall and take off my shoes and start running after him.

I start catching up with him, and he looks back at me at one point. "What are you doing?" I yell at him.

"Just please stop!" he yells back at me.

"If I don't know what I'm doing," I reply. "Then I don't know what to stop."

"Just stay away from me," he replies breathlessly as he rounds another corner.

When I round the corner, I bump hard into someone and we both fall hard on the ground. I look up and see Melissa. She gives me a glare.

"I'm so sorry," I say as I look over her shoulder. I see Connor go through a door. Looking down, I see I knocked some papers out of her hands, and being the nice person I am, I start helping her collect the papers.

Now I have no chance of finding Connor again.

I stand up and help Melissa and apologize to her once more before running towards the door that Connor went through. I place my hand on the cold metal knob and twist it to reveal all kinds of different hallways.

Yeah, I'm definitely not going to be finding him anytime soon.

I close the door and still she Melissa brushing her skirt with her hand, and I walk up to her.

"Hey," I start. "Can you help me find my next class?" I give her the name of my teacher and the class.

"Sure," she replies. "It is really close to my class, let's go."

We start walking down the hallways in silence and my mind starts to wonder why Connor has been acting the way he acted after he kissed me.

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